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    2021届安徽省池州市高三上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)(解析版) 听力
    2021届安徽省池州市高三上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)(解析版) 听力01
    2021届安徽省池州市高三上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)(解析版) 听力02
    2021届安徽省池州市高三上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)(解析版) 听力03
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    2021届安徽省池州市高三上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)(解析版) 听力

    这是一份2021届安徽省池州市高三上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)(解析版) 听力

    满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟
    3.请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上的答 题无效。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有1秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话 仅读一遍。
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the weather like now?
    A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.
    【原文】M: Do you know what the weather will be like tomorrow?
    W: It will be cloudy with a chance of showers. I knew this sunny weather couldn’t last forever.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Why didn’t the woman buy the coat?
    A. It didn’t fit her. B. It cost too much. C. She didn’t take enough money.
    【原文】M: I heard you didn’t buy the coat. Did it cost too much?
    W: No, I had enough money and I wanted to buy it. But they didn’t have my size.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What did the man do this morning?
    A. He did some washing. B. He took out the rubbish. C. He cleaned the house.
    【原文】W: It was really a busy morning. I did the laundry and cleaned the whole house.
    M: Well, I’m happy that I took the rubbish out and walked the dog as well.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. A meeting. B. A job. C. A manager.
    【原文】M: Have you met the new manager yet?
    W: We’ve been introduced about three times at the meeting, but he seems very forgetful.
    M :Yes, I agree with you.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What do we know about the man last weekend?
    A. He was busy. B. He went on business. C. He was ill.
    【原文】W: John, who was calling?
    M: My mom. She wondered why I didn’t go home last weekend, and asked if I was busy.
    W: Did you tell her the truth that you had a fever?
    M: No. I lied that I went to New York on business.

    6. What does the man think of the film?
    A. Interesting and entertaining.
    B. Boring and long.
    C. Exciting but short.
    7. What kind of film will they see next time?
    A. A thriller. B. A comedy. C. An action movie.
    【答案】6. B 7. A
    【原文】M: How did you enjoy the film?
    W: It was interesting and entertaining. How about you?
    M: I fell asleep!
    W: Didn’t you like it?
    M: I don’t really understand why films have to be so long these days. It was just a funny story about a little girl’s school life and it even lasted two and a half hours.
    W: Yes, I see your point. Next time we will see a thriller.
    M: Yes, at least I can keep awake there.

    8. What did the girl do first?
    A. She went to a party. B. She cleaned up the yard. C. She stayed with her brothers.
    9. What will the girl do this weekend?
    A. Work on her project. B. Have a chemistry class. C. Go bungee jumping.
    【答案】8. B 9. A
    【原文】M: Hi. How was your Sunday?
    W: I had a really busy day.
    M: Yeah? What did you do?
    W: Well, first the yard needed cleaning so the beginning was work. Then it was my little brother’s birthday. I don’t need to hold a party for him, but I had to go bungee jumping with him. It was like jumping off a tall building. I was scared.
    M: How did your brother like it?
    W: Oh, he loved it! He wants to go this weekend, but I don’t want to do it again.
    M: Don’t you have a project for your chemistry class on Monday?
    W: Hey, yeah. I forgot about that. Obviously I have to work all weekend! Thanks! That saves me from bungee jumping.

    10. What did the speakers do just now?
    A. They went to a concert. B. They went to the movies. C. They visited an exhibition.
    11. How did the man get the tickets?
    A. He got them from his sister.
    B. He bought them at a higher price.
    C. He bought them in the ticket office.
    12. What selective course did the man choose?
    A. Marketing. B. Accounting. C. Fashion design.
    【答案】10. C 11. A 12. B
    【原文】W: Thanks for taking me here, John. I really enjoyed it.
    M: I’m happy to know that you’re interested in space. Next time I’ll bring you to another exhibition of spaceships.
    W: Thank you. How did you get the tickets for the exhibition? I know it’s very difficult to buy a ticket for it. Did you buy them from somebody else at a much higher price?
    M: No, my sister works in the ticket office, and everyone in that office can buy two tickets. So she offered me her two tickets.
    W: That’s great. By the way, what did you choose for your selective course?
    M: At first, I wanted to choose marketing, but they told me that it was full. So I chose accounting instead. What about you?
    W: I chose fashion design. Wow, it’s so late now. I have to go back home.
    M: OK, see you.

    13. Which two countries celebrate Teachers’ Day on the same day?
    A. India and Korea. B. India and America. C. Korea and America.
    14. When do people in Thailand celebrate Teachers’ Day?
    A. On September 5th. B. On September 28th. C. On January 16th.
    15. How do teachers in Thailand celebrate their own day?
    A. Have a day off. B. Attend social activities. C. Go to a party.
    16. When is Teachers’ Day in Hungary?
    A. The first Monday of September.
    B. The first Sunday of October.
    C. The first Monday of June.
    【答案】13. A 14. C 15. A 16. C
    【原文】M: Susan, I’m writing a report now on different cultural festivals around the world. It’s amazing that I found many countries celebrate Teachers’ Day.
    W: That’s great, Jack. Can I share your new discoveries?
    M: Yes. India and Korea celebrate Teachers’ Day on September 5th. And American Teachers’ Day is on September 28th.
    W: September 28th is just the birthday of Chinese ancient philosopher Confucius. I was told about it.
    M: Exactly. The government of Russia made their Teachers’ Day on the first Sunday of October.
    W: Oh,Thailand also has its own Teachers’ Day. When is that?
    M: It’s on January 16th. All the teachers celebrate their own day, free from work.
    W: Any other countries?
    M: Yeah. Germany is on June 12th. Sudan is on February 24th, and Hungary Teachers’ Day is on the first Monday of June.
    W: How do these countries celebrate Teachers’ Day?
    M: Most of the celebrations have something in common. Both the government and the whole society show their love and respect to teachers.
    W: Wow, you have become an expert on Teachers’ Day.
    M: Thank you very much.

    17. When did Hip-Hop start?
    A. In the 1970s. B. In the 1980s. C. In the 1990s.
    18. Where did Hip-Hop start?
    A. In the US. B. In the UK. C. In South Korea.
    19. Why did young people start Hip-Hop at first?
    A. They wanted to try something new.
    B. They found it easy to play.
    C. They couldn’t afford instruments.
    20. What can we know about break dancing?
    A. It is easy to dance.
    B. It started earlier than Hip-Hop.
    C. It was like fighting at first.
    【答案】17. B 18. A 19. C 20. C
    【原文】M: Do you like Hip-Hop? Hip-Hop is a new kind of music. Today, Hip-Hop music is a big business. Hip-Hop artists make millions of dollars. They are superstars and have many fans all over the world. But Hip-Hop wasn’t always so popular. It is only about thirty years old. Hip-Hop started in New York. Young people in New York wanted to make music, but they had a problem. Many of them did not have enough money to buy expensive instruments. They also did not have any place to practice. Hip-Hop was the perfect answer to this problem. As Hip-Hop artists did not need any special instruments and they could practice anywhere.
    Along with Hip-Hop, there’s always the break dancing. Break dancing is a very difficult kind of dance. It started in the 1980s at the same time as Hip-Hop. At first, break dancing was like fighting. Break dancers had “dance battles”. Each break dancer did his best to dance in the contest. There are professional break dancing contests. Winners can get a lot of money,and sometimes they are on TV. Just like Hip-Hop, break dancing is now a big business.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Three Films to Watch in October
    October is approaching and a new wave of films will be on soon. Here are three breath-taking films recommended by BBC and see which of the following will appeal to you best?
    Rebecca (《蝴蝶梦》)
    The famous adaption of Rebecca is the Oscar-winning Alfred Hitchcock classic Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine. How can Ben Wheatley’s new version possibly compete? Well, one answer is to have Kristin Scott Thomas as Mrs Danvers, a stroke of casting genius which is enough to justify the film’s existence. Another answer is going back to the book and trying to get closer to the actual story... You think you know it and you just don’t.
    On Netflix from 21 October
    Andrea Riseborough stars as an assassin(刺客) who can control other people’s bodies and get them to do the killing for her. Her latest job is to kill an IT tycoon (Sean Bean) and his daughter (Tuppence Middleton) by possessing the daughter’s future husband (Christopher Abbott). David Ehrlich of IndieWire claimed , “90 minutes of Andrea Riseborough and Chriustopher Abbott engaging in warfare over control of the latter’s body is more satisfying”.
    Released on 2 October in the US and 9 October in Canada
    Honest Thief
    Liam Neeson plays Tom, a retired bank robber who promises to return his ill-gotten gains in exchange for a reduced prison sentence so that he can settle down with the woman he loves (Kate Walsh). But the two FBI agents (Jai Courtney and Anthony Ramos) assigned to fetch the money decide to steal it instead and frame Tom for murder. Unfortunately for them, he is a man with a very particular set of skills, so the explosions, car chases, and shoot-outs all come.
    Released on 14 October in France, 15 October in Portugal and 16 October in the US
    21. What do we know about Ben Wheatley’s new Rebecca?
    A. It is the most famous adaptation of Rebecca.
    B. It is directed and produced closer to the original.
    C. Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine starred in his film.
    D. Kristin Scott Thomas, a casting genius edited the movie.
    22. When can you first enjoy Possessor in Canada?
    A. On 2 October. B. On 9 October. C. On 14 October. D. On 15 October.
    23. What can be expected in Honest Thief ?
    A. Tragic love. B. Thrilling action. C. Beautiful landscape. D. Psychological control.
    【答案】21. B 22. B 23. B
    这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了BBC为即将到来的十月份推荐的三部电影:Rebecca (《蝴蝶梦》),Possessor,Honest Thief。
    细节理解题。根据文章Rebecca部分内容“going back to the book and trying to get closer to the actual story... You think you know it and you just don’t.(回到书中,试着接近真实的故事……你以为你知道,其实你不知道。)”可知,该电影更接近于原著。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据文章Possesses部分内容“Released on 2 October in the US and 9 October in Canada(该片将于10月2日在美国上映,10月9日在加拿大上映)”可知,该电影在加拿大的上映日期是10月9日。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据文章Honest Thief部分内容“Unfortunately for them, he is a man with a very particular set of skills, so the explosions, car chases, and shoot-outs all come.(对他们来说不幸的是,他拥有一套非常特殊的技能,所以爆炸、汽车追逐和枪战都随之而来。)”可推知该电影为动作片。故选B项。
    Some of my earliest memories involve sitting with my dad in his study every night when he came home from the office. I'd watch as he put his personal items away:his watch, wallet, comb and car keys. Every night, he would smile, hand me the comb and say:" Help Daddy clean it, OK?" I'd excitedly turn the tap on, then brush the comb with a used toothbrush as hard as I could. Then I’d proudly return the comb to Dad. He would smile at me, and place it on top of his wallet.
    About two years later, Dad left his sales job and started his own business. I started primary school. That was when things started to change. Dad's business wasn't doing so well, and our stable life started getting shaky. He didn't come home as much as he used to. And when he did come home, it was always late and I'd already be in bed. I started to get mad. Why didn't he listen to Mum and just stick to his old job? Over the years, I stopped waiting for him to come home.
    Now 28, I've graduated from college and got a job. Dad's business has also started to get back on track. Yet the uncomfortable silence between Dad and me persisted.
    Yesterday, Dad came home early. As usual, I helped him carry his bags into his study. When I turned to leave ,he said :" Hey, would you like to help me clean my comb?" I looked at him a while, then took the comb. After cleaning, I passed it back to Dad. He looked at it and smiled. But this time, I noticed something different. My dad has aged. He has wrinkles next to his eyes, yet his smile is still as heartwarming as before, the smile of a father who just wants a good life for his family. Dad carefully placed his comb on top of his wallet. After so many years,I guess some things never change. And for that, I'm glad.
    24. What was the author asked to do by the father when young?
    A. Brushing his comb. B. Cleaning his toothbrush.
    C. Chatting with him in his study. D. Greeting him at the door.
    25. Why did the father set up his own business?
    A. He was laid off by his former company.
    B. He desired to struggle for a big fortunate.
    C. He wanted to fulfill a good life for his family.
    D. He followed his wife's advice and tried new.
    26. What accounted for the uncomfortable silence between the author and the father?
    A The father's new business wasn't going so smoothly.
    B. The father came home rarely or very late.
    C. The tough primary school and little time with the dad.
    D. The misunderstanding of the author and less communication between them.
    27. Which words can best describe the author's father?
    A. Generous and humorous. B. Modest and conventional.
    C. Struggling and devoted. D. Ambitious and strict.
    【答案】24. A 25. C 26. D 27. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“Every night, he would smile, hand me the comb and say:" Help Daddy clean it, OK?" I'd excitedly turn the tap on, then brush the comb with a used toothbrush as hard as I could.”(每天晚上,他都会微笑着把梳子递给我说: “帮爸爸清理一下,好吗?”我兴奋地打开水龙头,然后用一把用过的牙刷尽可能用力地刷梳子。)可知,作者的父亲让他帮忙清理梳子。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“He has wrinkles next to his eyes, yet his smile is still as heartwarming as before, the smile of a father who just wants a good life for his family.”(他的眼睛旁边有皱纹,但他的微笑还是和以前一样温暖人心,一个只是想让家人过上好日子的父亲的微笑。)可以推知,父亲要自己创业是想为他的家庭实现美好的生活。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中“I started to get mad. Why didn't he listen to Mum and just stick to his old job? Over the years, I stopped waiting for him to come home.”(我开始生气。他为什么不听妈妈的话,干他以前的工作呢?这些年来,我不再等待他回家。)以及第三段中“Now 28, I've graduated from college and got a job. Dad's business has also started to get back on track. Yet the uncomfortable silence between Dad and me persisted.”(现在我28岁了,大学毕业了,找到了一份工作。爸爸的生意也开始回到正轨。然而,父亲和我之间令人不安的沉默依然存在。)可以推知,作者和父亲之间的误解和两人交流变少造成他们之间令人不安的沉默。故选D。
    推理判断题。通读全文,根据第二段中“Dad's business wasn't doing so well, and our stable life started getting shaky. He didn't come home as much as he used to. And when he did come home, it was always late and I'd already be in bed.”(爸爸的生意不太好,我们的稳定生活开始变得不稳定。他不像以前那样经常回家了。当他回家的时候,总是很晚,我已经上床睡觉了。)以及最后一段中“My dad has aged. He has wrinkles next to his eyes, yet his smile is still as heartwarming as before, the smile of a father who just wants a good life for his family.”(我的爸爸已经老了。他的眼睛旁边有皱纹,但他的微笑还是和以前一样温暖人心,一个只是想让家人过上好日子的父亲的微笑。)可知,父亲全身心的投入工作,为家人而拼搏。故选C项。
    The trend of shared real estate (房地产) spaces is expanding in various global cities, and it is particularly being welcomed by younger individuals such as Generation Z. Given how the current housing prices in urban centers are going up, the co-living trend might just be the pocket-friendly answer many young home-seekers are looking for.
    While the idea of sharing spaces with others as a way of saving money is nothing new. The co-living is a concept that differs from the notion of “having roommates”. Private bedrooms, combined with common spaces shared with other people, are features these two brands of housing share.
    However, the way co-living differs from the traditional roommate arrangements is that the former comes with individual leases(租期). In contrast, the latter comes with a master lease all residents are covered with. Co-living is, in essence, a cut-down version of roommate arrangements that only keeps its good parts while eliminating the bad ones.
    Another advantage of this rental arrangement is the ability to spend more on experiences instead of paying for living in a larger home. And if there’s something Millennials and Gen Zers are known for, they tend to value experience over material possessions, and sharing a living space is a great way to facilitate such a lifestyle and focus on things that matter most.
    Whether it’s the appeal of the larger cities that attracts them, or the fact that they landed a job that requires moving to a densely populated area. Making new connections in a big city may come as a challenge to Millennials and Gen Zers, sharing a rented living space eliminates this anxiety as it instantly provides you with an opportunity to meet new people and develop long-lasting relationships.
    While the co-living concept is being embraced by young individuals worldwide, many are still unfamiliar with how co-living really works. Therefore, it doesn’t come as a surprise that some people would be concerned about their privacy and safety. However, we can see this particular housing model gaining popularity in times to come.
    28. What is the difference between the co-living and having roommates?
    A. The co-living has individual rents.
    B. The co-living has private bedrooms.
    C. Having roommates means sharing common space.
    D. Having roommates will cut down one’s expense on living.
    29. What contributes to the popularity of co-living according to the author?
    A. The appeal of living in larger cities.
    B. Much more value on material possessions.
    C. The better-paid jobs are all in bigger cities.
    D. The housing construction is not on the rise.
    30. What does the underlined word “eliminating” in the third paragraph mean?
    A. Destroying. B. Cutting in. C. Removing. D. Putting off.
    31. What can be the best title of the text?
    A. The Advantage of the Co-Living
    B. The Rising Trend of Co-Living Spaces
    C. The Appropriate Living Style in the Future
    D. New Generations with Energy-Saving Housing
    【答案】28. A 29. A 30. C 31. B
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段内容“However, the way co-living differs from the traditional roommate arrangements is that the former comes with individual leases. In contrast, the latter comes with a master lease all residents are covered with.(然而,与传统的室友安排方式不同的是,前者是单独租赁的。相比之下,后者附带一份所有居住者都享有的主租约)”可知,共居情况下的租金是各自独立的。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第五段内容“Whether it’s the appeal of the larger cities that attracts them, or the fact that they landed a job that requires moving to a densely populated area.(无论是大城市的吸引力吸引了他们,还是他们找到了一份需要搬到人口稠密地区的工作)可知,在作者看来,大城市的吸引力是共居流行起来的原因之一。故选A项。
    词义猜测题。分析划线单词所在句可知,“Co-living is, in essence, a cut-down version of roommate arrangements that only keeps its good parts while eliminating the bad ones.”中“while”表达“然而”含义,前后句为对比转折关系,因此划线单词“eliminating”应是与前句中“keeps(保留)”表达相反含义,即“去除”之意。故选C项。
    主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章首段提出了话题“The trend of shared real estate spaces is expanding in various global cities, and it is particularly being welcomed by younger individuals such as Generation Z.(共享房产的趋势在全球各大城市不断扩张,尤其受到千禧一代等年轻群体的欢迎)”,由此可知,文章主要介绍了新兴的住房方式——共居。选项B“The Rising Trend of Co-Living Spaces(共居空间的上升趋势)”贴合主题。故选B项。
    Talking about the best places to gather solar energy, the most common answer is the deserts. But in fact, the extreme heat can reduce solar panels’ potential. It’s like your computer. If it overheats, it slows down. So we have to keep a balance between having a lot of panels in the desert and getting the highest efficiency of them.
    Oregon State University ecological engineer Chad Higgins and his team are interested in where panels should be located to get the most energy production. In addition to temperatures and sunlight, they found that conditions for the most efficiency include low relative humidity(湿度) and gentle winds that improve transfer of heat from the panels. By analyzing satellite data for these four factors, they created a map of potential solar panel productivity for different land types around the globe. Agricultural croplands come first.
    If you think about it for a minute, it makes sense. What is agriculture? It is taking the sun’s rays and turning it into a form of energy that we consume. So there’s this sweet spot where you get the maximum productivity.
    Other factors also favor cropland solar. Agricultural lands tend to be closer to population centers where there is a market for electricity, rather than way off in the desert. Agricultural lands tend to be flat. They tend to be already disturbed. So you don’t have as many ecological conservation worries.
    Higgins thinks that agriculture and solar can benefit each other providing a way to a more sustainable energy future. He estimates that putting panels on just one percent of croplands worldwide would be enough to meet all the global electricity needs. Higgins hopes the research will inspire cooperation between solar companies and farmers to feed the world and power it too.
    32. Why was the computer mentioned in the first paragraph?
    A. To lead to the topic of the text.
    B. To explain the importance of technology.
    C. To confirm the accuracy of the new findings.
    D. To give a similar example to show the result of overheat.
    33. What do Higgins and his team focus on?
    A. Flow to make panels last longer.
    B. Why panels in deserts work badly.
    C. What material to use to make panels.
    D. Where to put panels to make more energy.
    34. What is Higgins’ attitude toward cropland solar?
    A. Promising. B. Doubtful. C. Confusing. D. Easy-operating.
    35. What is the text mainly about?
    A. Deserts are not fit for solar energy.
    B. Cropland solar is the best place for solar panels.
    C. There are many factors that favor cropland solar.
    D. Higgins hopes to find a sustainable energy in the future.
    【答案】32. D 33. D 34. A 35. B
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段内容“But in fact, the extreme heat can reduce solar panels’ potential. It’s like your computer. If it overheats, it slows down.(但事实上,极端的高温会降低太阳能电池板的潜力。就像你的电脑一样。如果过热,它就会减速。)”可知,作者提及极端高温会降低太阳能电池板的潜力后,用“电脑”举例例证过热的可能结果。由此可推知,提及电脑是举一个类似的例子来说明过热的结果。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段内容“Chad Higgins and his team are interested in where panels should be located to get the most energy production.(Chad Higgins和他的团队感兴趣的是太阳能板应该放在哪里以获得最多的能源生产。)”可知,Higgins及其团队关注的是将太阳能电池板安装在何处能发挥其最大效率。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的“Higgins thinks that agriculture and solar can benefit each other, providing a way to a more sustainable energy future.”(Higgins认为农业和太阳能可以相互受益,为一个更可持续的能源未来提供了一条途径)和“Higgins hopes the research will inspire cooperation between solar companies and farmers to feed the world and power it too.(Higgins希望这项研究能激发太阳能公司和农民之间的合作,为世界提供粮食和电力。)”可推知,Higgins对他们的研究发现是抱积极的态度,并希望其能造福人类。故选A项。
    主旨大意题。通过阅读文章内容可知,文章第二段提出了文章的主要话题“Oregon State University ecological engineer Chad Higgins and his team are interested in where panels should be located to get the most energy production.”,即,文章主要讲述了Higgins及其团队研究发现:庄稼地是最理想的安装太阳能电池板的地方,在那里能发挥电池板的最大效率。选项B“Cropland solar is the best place for solar panels.(庄稼地太阳能是安装太阳能电池板的最佳场所。)”概括了文章的主要内容。故选B项。
    Memories are important, but as we age our memory declines. The good news is that scientists have been learning more about our brain’s amazing ability to change and grow, even in old age. ___36___
    Learn something new.
    Memory strength is like muscular strength. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. But you can’t lift the same size weight every day and expect to get stronger. You’ll need to keep your brain constantly challenged. ___37___
    Repeat and retrieve(找回).
    When you learn new information, you’re more likely to record that information if it’s repeated. Repeat what you hear out loud. ___38___ Write it down and read it aloud. But the work doesn’t stop there. You’ll need to try to retrieve the information without looking at it later. Testing yourself to retrieve the information is better than repeated studying.
    Drink water.
    Water acts as a shock absorber for the brain. ___39___ A small amount of dehydration(脱水) can have disastrous (灾难性的) effects. Mild dehydration has been shown to cause brain shrinkage and memory damage. Aim for at least eight to ten glasses per day.
    Another common mistake is relying on the GPS every time you drive. Researchers found relying on response techniques for navigation shrinks a part of our brain. Try to get to your destination using your brain. Perhaps use GPS to get there, but use your brain to get back home. Your brain will thank you for the extra challenge.
    A. Lose the GPS.
    B. Try using it in a sentence.
    C. Don’t turn to Google right away.
    D. It helps our brain cells use nutrients.
    E. Learning a new skill is an excellent way.
    F. Research shows that repetition is an ineffective learning tool.
    G. The following are some effective methods for improving memory.
    【答案】36. G 37. E 38. B 39. D 40. A
    设空处为首段末尾句,应起到承前启后的作用,既要承接前文提及主题“memories”,又要引出后文。且结合后文各段小标题“Learn something new.”,“Repeat and retrieve.”“Drink water.”可知,后文介绍了提升记忆力的措施。选项G“The following are some effective methods for improving memory.(下面是一些提高记忆力的有效方法。)”贴合主题,“The following”是对后文的承起,前后衔接紧密。故选G项。
    设空处为本段末尾,应呼应主题“Learn something new.(学习新东西。)”,且根据前文“You’ll need to keep your brain constantly challenged.”(你需要让大脑不断被挑战)提及需要不断地挑战大脑,由此设空句应提出方法。选项E“Learning a new skill is an excellent way.(学习一项新技能是一个很好的方法。)”呼应主题,“learning a new skill”应是挑战大脑的方法,符合语境分析。故选E项。
    设空处前文“Repeat what you hear out loud.(大声重复你听到的。)”和后文“Write it down and read it aloud.(把它写下来,大声读出来。)” 都在说重复使用刚听到的信息,因此设空处也应该讲如何重复使用。选项B“Try using it in a sentence.(试着把它用在句子里。)”为重复使用的方法,即,“写成句子”,且句中“it”与前文“what you hear”相呼应。故选B项。
    结合本段小标题“Drink water.”可知,本段主题是多喝水,且前文“Water acts as a shock absorber for the brain.(水对大脑起着减震器的作用。)”提及水对大脑的作用,设空处应进一步解释水的作用,选项D“It helps our brain cells use nutrients.”(它帮助我们的脑细胞利用营养)提到它帮助大脑细胞利用营养,进一步解释了水的重要性,且句中“It”应是指“water”,呼应主题。故选D项。
    设空为本段小标题。根据后文“Another common mistake is relying on the GPS every time you drive. Researchers found relying on response techniques for navigation shrinks a part of our brain. Try to get to your destination using your brain. Perhaps use GPS to get there, but use your brain to get back home. Your brain will thank you for the extra challenge.(另一个常见的错误是每次开车都依赖GPS。研究人员发现,依赖反应技术来导航会缩小我们大脑的一部分。试着用你的大脑到达你的目的地也许你可以使用全球定位系统到达那里,但要用你的大脑回家。你的大脑会感谢你额外的挑战。)”可知,该段在讲述开车时尽量依靠记忆力而不是GPS。选项A“Lose the GPS.”(丢掉定位系统)贴合主题。故选A项。
    I was in deep thought. The year drew to a ___41___. What would I accomplish in the next?
    I looked up at the ___42___ in the distance. They were white now. Not long ago, they were brown. In the time I’ve lived in Idaho, I’ve had the opportunity to watch the ___43___ of seasons make their changes on those mountains I am never ___44___ of seeing.
    My first ___45___ of them came in September. The sides of the mountains were painted green with the leaves.
    Near the top were pines. The days moved on. The weather ___46___. The leaves browned. The mountain changed.
    Fall ___47___ to winter. I stood and watched the top of the mountains turn a blinding white. I’m not a skier, but I imagined the excitement of ___48___ down the side of those mountains—free, fast, and ___49___.
    Winter turned to ____50____. The snow in the valley ____51____. The weeks passed, the green in the valley flowed ____52____ up the slopes like a reversed waterfall. The mountains were as I first saw them, green and leafy.
    On this New Year’s Eve, the mountains are white again. I saw so many changes, but were they changes? The mountains are never changing. Like people, they only changed ____53____ to fit the weather. They didn’t allow outside influences to ____54____ what lie beneath their coats of changing colors. They were always the same.
    I’m in my third season of life. A little snow has ____55____ at my peak. My clothing changed to ____56____ my seasons. Next year and all my years to follow, I want to be as constant as a mountain. Although my looks change, I want to be ____57____. My body will change coats many times, but when my day is done, I want people to say, “No matter what the seasons of life ____58____, he never changed inside. He never ____59____ the pressures of the seasons or the weathers of life to change what he was underneath. He was a ____60____ mountain you could rely on.”
    41. A. close B. change C. practice D. agreement
    42. A. ruins B. remains C. trees D. mountains
    43. A. variety B. order C. stress D. cycle
    44. A. tired B. informed C. accused D. convinced
    45. A. sight B. intention C. scenery D. desire
    46. A. wanned B. cooled C. improved D. continued
    47. A. contributed B. gave way C. subscribed D. gave in
    48. A. throwing B. slipping C. climbing D. battling
    49. A. frustrated B. motivated C. panicked D. thrilled
    50. A. spring B. summer C. fall D. winter
    51. A. multiplied B. disappeared C. stayed D. thickened
    52. A. steadily B. immediately C. gradually D. casually
    53. A. rules B. colors C. coats D. measures
    54. A. uncover B. change C. expose D. remove
    55. A. melted B. slimmed C. gathered D. frozen
    56. A. instruct B. confirm C. fit D. fight
    57. A. inspiring B. reliable C. challenging D. brave
    58. A. fetched B. took C. presented D. rewarded
    59. A. requested B. expected C. meant D. allowed
    60. A. naturally B. consequently C. definitely D. instantly
    【答案】41. A 42. D 43. D 44. A 45. A 46. B 47. B 48. B 49. D 50. A 51. B 52. A 53. C 54. B 55. C 56. C 57. B 58. C 59. D 60. C
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这一年接近尾声。A. close关闭,结束;B. change改变;C. practice实践,练习;D. agreement协议,一致。分析可知,后文“What would I accomplish in the next?”中的“in the next”应是指下一年,因此可推知,本句“The year drew to a ___1___”应是指这一年要结束了,“draw to a close”,固定短语,意为“渐近结束;告终”,符合语境。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我抬头望着远处的群山。A. ruins废墟,残存部分;B. remains剩余物,古迹;C. trees树木;D. mountains山脉。根据后文“on those mountains”可知,此处表达作者“眺望远山”。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我住在爱达荷州的时间里,我有机会在那些我永远看不腻的山上观察季节的循环和它们的变化。A. variety变化,多变性;B. order顺序,命令;C. stress压力,紧张;D. cycle循环。根据空后“seasons”意为“季节”,且后文“Fall ___7___ to winter.”“Winter turned to ___10___ .”“The mountains were as I first saw them, green and leafy. On this New Year’s Eve, the mountains are white again.”可知,这里应是指四季的循环使得群山(的景色)发生了变化。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在我住在爱达荷州的时间里,我有机会在那些我永远看不腻的山上观察季节的循环和它们的变化。A. tired疲劳的,疲倦的;B. informed见多识广的,了解情况的;C. accused 被控告的;D. convinced确信的,深信的。根据后文作者对于山脉四季变化的描述“The sides of the mountains were painted green with the leaves.(山的两侧被树叶涂成了绿色。)”,“The leaves browned. The mountain changed.(树叶变成褐色。山上发生了变化。)”和“I stood and watched the top of the mountains turn a blinding white.(我站在那里,看着山顶变成一片炫目的白色。)”可知,群山的四季变化使得作者“侃侃而谈”,“never be tired of sth”,可意为“永不厌倦”,符合作者的感情表达。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我第一次见到它们是在九月。A. sight视力,景象;B. intention意图,目的;C. scenery风景,景色;D. desire愿望,要求。根据后文“The sides of the mountains were painted green with the leaves.(山的两侧被树叶涂成了绿色。)”可知,这是作者第一次看山时的景色。“first sight”,可意为“第一眼;初见”,符合句意和语境。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:天气变凉了。A. wanned(使)变苍白,(使)呈病态;B. cooled使冷却,变凉;C. improved提高,改善;D. continued继续。根据后文“The leaves browned.”可知,应是天气凉了,树叶变成了褐色。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析和动词短语辨析。句意:秋天被冬天所取代。A. contributed贡献,是……的原因;B. gave way (to)被替代;C. subscribed订阅,捐款;D. gave in屈服,让步。根据后文“I stood and watched the top of the mountains turn a blinding white.(我站在那里,看着山顶变成一片炫目的白色。)”可知,应是冬天到了,秋天被冬天所取代。“give away to”,固定短语,意为“被取代”。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不是一个滑雪者,但我想象着从山的一侧滑下来的兴奋——自由、快速、激动。A. throwing扔,掷;B. slipping滑倒,滑动;C. climbing 攀登;D. battling搏斗,奋斗,斗争。根据前文“I’m not a skier(我不是一个滑雪者)”可知,作者应是在想象从山上滑雪下来时的感觉。故选B项。
    考查形容词义辨析。句意:我不是一个滑雪者,但我想象着从山的一侧滑下来的兴奋——自由、快速、激动。A. frustrated懊恼的,沮丧的;B. motivated有积极性的;C. panicked惊慌失措的;D. thrilled兴奋的,激动的。根据前文“I imagined the excitement of ___8___ down the side of those mountains(我想象着从山的一侧滑下来时的兴奋)”可知,“free, fast, and ___9___”应是在描写从山上滑雪下来时的心情,与前文“excitement”相呼应,由此可知此处应是“激动的”。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:冬去春来。A. spring春天;B. summer夏天;C. fall秋天;D. winter冬天。根据后文“The mountains were as I first saw them, green and leafy.(群山和我第一次看到时一样,绿油油,枝繁叶茂。)”可知,冬去春来,春天到了。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:山谷里的雪消失了。A. multiplied迅速增加;B. disappeared消失;C. stayed停留;保持;D. thickened(使)变厚;变浓;变稠。根据后文“The mountains were as I first saw them, green and leafy.(群山和我第一次看到时一样,绿油油,枝繁叶茂。)”可知,春天到了,山谷里的雪融化消失了。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:几个星期过去了,山谷里的绿色像倒流的瀑布一样,顺着山坡稳步地往上流。A. steadily稳定地,不变地;B. immediately立即,马上;C. gradually渐渐地,逐步地;D. casually 随便地,偶然地,临时地。根据后文“…like a reversed waterfall. The mountains were as I first saw them, green and leafy.”可知,到了春天,群山和作者初见时一样,绿油油,枝繁叶茂,那绿色就像倒流的瀑布,非常稳定地向上延伸。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:就像人类一样,它们只是为了适应天气而更换颜色。A. rules规则,习惯;B. colors颜色;C. coats外套,外层;D. measures措施,方法。与后文“They didn’t allow outside influences to ___14___ what lie beneath their coats of changing colors. (他们不允许外界的影响改变他们外衣下的颜色。)”中“coats”相呼应,句中表达“山的颜色/外层”含义。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们不允许外界的影响改变他们外衣下的颜色。A. uncover发现;揭露;B. change改变;C. expose暴露;显露;露出;D. remove移动;去除。根据前文“The mountains are never changing.”可知,在作者看来,即使山的颜色随着四季循环发生了改变,山的本质从未发生改变。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:山顶上已经积起了一点雪。A. melted融化;B. slimmed变苗条,减肥,缩减;C. gathered聚集,集合;D. frozen冻结,结冰。结合文章语境可知,前文“I’m in my third season of life.”作者提及的“the third season”应是对应文中提及的“秋天”,作者将自己的人生比喻为山,山顶已积了雪,即作者已到暮年。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的外衣随着(生命)季节的变化而变化。A. instruct指示,命令;B. confirm证明,确认;C. fit适合,合适于(某地);D. fight斗争,竞争。与前文“Like people, they only changed __13__ to fit the weather.”中“fit the weather”相呼应,这里应是“fit my seasons”,表达“随着生命季节而改变以适应”含义。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然我的外表变了,但我想要是可靠的。A. inspiring鼓舞人心的;B. reliable可信赖的,可依靠的;C. challenging 挑战性的,考验能力的;D. brave勇敢的;无畏的。结合语境可知,该句应是与后文“He was a ___20 __ mountain you could rely on.”一致,所选词应是与“rely on”相呼应,B项“reliable”符合分析。故选B项。,
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:无论生活的季节如何变化,他的内心从未改变。A. fetched(去)拿来,(去)请来;B. took拿走,取走;C. presented 把……交给,呈现;D. rewarded奖赏,给以报酬。根据前文主语“No matter what the seasons of life”为“生命的季节”并结合后文“he never changed inside”可知,作者应是表达“无论生命的季节如何呈现,自己的本质都不会改变”。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他从不让生命季节的压力或生活的天气变化改变他的内在。A. requested(正式或礼貌地)请求,要求;B. expected期望,指望;C. meant意味着,打算;D. allowed允许。分析可知,本句“He never ___19___ the pressures of the seasons or the weathers of life to change what he was underneath.”应是与前文“They didn’t allow outside influences to ___14___ what lie beneath their coats of changing colors.”一致,因此与前文相呼应,该空应是“allowed”。故选D项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:他绝对是一座你可以依靠的大山。A. naturally自然地,天生地;B. consequently因此,所以;C. definitely肯定,确实;D. instantly立即,马上。分析可知,所选副词应是起到强调作用,表述他人对于作者的评价“他确实是一个值得信赖的人”。故选C项。
    第二节(共 10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    As humans retreat into their homes as more and more countries go under coronavirus(疫情) lockdown, wild animals are clipping cover ___61___(explore) the empty streets of some of our biggest cities.
    Groups of wild____62____(goose) have been wandering freely on the streets of Oakland, California, while a puma(美洲狮) turned ___63___ in the center of the Chilean capital, Santiago, ___64___ is under control.
    “This is the habitat they once had and that we’ve taken away from them,” ___65___ (say) Marcelo Giagnoni, the head of Chile’s agricultural service. With the hunting season ___66___(withdraw) in several European countries, this promises to be a spring and ___67___(possible) a summer of love for the animal kingdom.
    However, there are also downsides to the lockdown for nature. “Work to limit aggressive species has been slopped ,” cautioned Loic Obled of the French biodiversity(生物多样性) office, “as well as ___68___ to help endangered species.” Birds that have nested in the yard of an ___69___(abandon) school or factory will find themselves disturbed, he warned. His further ____70____(explain) can be found in Nature.
    【答案】61. to explore
    62. geese 63. up
    64. which 65. said
    66. withdrawing
    67. possibly
    68. that 69. abandoned
    70. explanation
    考查动词不定式。句意:随着越来越多的国家实施冠状病毒封锁,人类纷纷躲进自己的家园,野生动物也开始在我们一些最大城市空荡荡的街道上寻找掩护。分析可知,“are clipping”为句中谓语,“___1___ (explore) the empty streets of some of our biggest cities”应是动词不定式作目的状语。故填to explore。
    考查名词复数。句意:成群的野鹅在加利福尼亚州奥克兰的街道上自由地游荡,而一只美洲狮出现在智利首都圣地亚哥的市中心,目前该美洲狮已得到控制。根据空前限定词“groups of(成群的)”可知,所填空应是名词复数。“goose”,可数名词,意为“鹅”,其复数形式为“geese”。故填geese。
    考查副词和固定短语。句意:成群的野鹅在加利福尼亚州奥克兰的街道上自由地游荡,而一只美洲狮出现在智利首都圣地亚哥的市中心,目前该美洲狮已得到控制。分析可知,“while”表达并列对比关系,因此所填“turned___3___”应与前文“Groups of wild ____2____ (goose) have been wandering freely on the streets of Oakland, California”提及“wandering”相呼应,应是“turn up”,意为“出现”。故填up。
    考查非限制性定语从句。句意:成群的野鹅在加利福尼亚州奥克兰的街道上自由地游荡,而一只美洲狮出现在智利首都圣地亚哥的市中心,目前该美洲狮已得到控制。分析可知,“___4___ is under control”为非限制性定语从句,其先行词为之前名词“a puma”,从句中作主语,应用关系代词which引导从句。故填which。
    考查动词时态。句意:“这是它们曾经拥有的栖息地,但我们已经夺走了,”智利农业局局长Marcelo Giagnoni说。分析可知,“‘This is the habitat they once had and that we’ve taken away from them,’ ___5___ (say) Marcelo Giagnoni, the head of Chile’s agricultural service.”为直接引语,空5应是该句谓语动词,结合语境时态应是一般过去时。故填said。
    考查with复合结构和独立主格。句意:随着几个欧洲国家狩猎季节的退去,这将是一个春天,也可能是一个热爱动物王国的夏天。分析可知,“With the hunting season ___6___ (withdraw) in several European countries”为with复合结构作伴随状语,即“with sth/sb+doing/done…”,逻辑主语“the hunting season”与动词“withdraw(撤退)”之间为主动关系,应是现在分词形式。故填withdrawing。
    考查指示代词。句意:法国生物多样性办公室的Loic Obled警告说:“限制侵略性物种的工作已经被搁置,帮助濒危物种的工作也被搁置了。”分析可知,“as well as”表达并列关系,由此可知,“___8___ to help endangered species”应是与前文“Work to limit aggressive species”为并列关系,空8指代前文“work”,可用指示代词that代替。故填that。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:他警告说,在废弃的学校或工厂的院子里筑巢的鸟儿会发现自己受到了干扰。分析可知,“have nested”为从句中谓语,所填动词应是非谓语做之后名词“school”的定语,与其之间为被动关系,应是过去分词形式。故填abandoned。
    考查名词。句意:他的进一步解释可以在《自然》杂志中找到。根据空前“His further”可知,所填空应是名词。“explain”,动词,意为“解释”,其名词形式为“explanation”,可数名词,结合语境可知应是单数形式。故填explanation。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    71. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文°文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错谟仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词.
    Dear Calvin,
    Knowing that you would like to travel to a place of interests in China, I’m writing to recommend Qingming Reverside Landscape Garden with you.
    Locating in Kaifeng, Henan Province, Qingming Reverside Landscape Garden have a good reputation among tourists. Based on an appealed painting by Zhang Zeduan, Qingming Reverside Landscape Garden naturally which got its name. It offers you a chance go back to the Song Dynasty, but you can enjoy the unique culture and experience the special lifestyle of the local people then. It's well worth visiting.
    Wish you a extremely happy journey and enjoy ourselves.
    【答案】1. interests→interest 2.with→to 3. Locating→Located 4. have→has 5. appealed→appealing 6. 去掉which 7.在go前面加to 8. but→and 9. a→an 10. ourselves→yourself
    【详解】1.考查名词。句意:得知你想去中国的一个名胜古迹旅游,我写信向你推荐清明河滨景观园。a place (places) of interest“名胜古迹”是固定短语,其中interest“吸引力;趣味”为不可数名词。故将interests改为interest。
    2.考查介词。句意:得知你想去中国的一个名胜古迹旅游,我写信向你推荐清明河滨景观园。recommend sth/sb to sb“向某人介绍某物或某人”是介词的固定搭配。故将with改为to。
    3.考查过去分词。句意:坐落于河南省开封市的清明河滨景观园在游客中享有良好的声誉。非谓语动词locate“使……坐落(于)”和主语Qingming Reverside Landscape Garden之间是被动关系,应用其过去分词作状语。故将Locating改为Located。
    4.考查动词的数。句意:坐落于于河南省开封市的清明河滨景观园在游客中享有良好的声誉。主语Qingming Reverside Landscape Garden是第三人称单数,本句为一般现在时,主谓一致。故将have改为has。
    6.考查复合句定语从句。句意:清明河滨景观园是根据张择端的一幅引人入胜的画而得名的。分析句子可知,本句主语为Qingming Reverside Landscape Garden,和谓语动词got之间不能有引导定语从句的关系词。故去掉which。
    7.考查动词不定式。句意:它让你有机会回到宋朝,你可以享受独特的文化,体验那时当地人民的特殊生活方式。分析句子可知,本句谓语动词为offers,go为非谓语动词,根据句意可知,应用动词不定式作后置定语,修饰a chance,有将来含义。故在go前面加to。
    8.考查连词。句意:它让你有机会回到宋朝,你可以享受独特的文化,体验那时当地人民的特殊生活方式。后文“you can enjoy the unique culture…”和前文“It offers you a chance…”是并列关系,不是转折关系。故将but改为and。
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    72. 你校“英语角”向你约稿,请你用英语介绍上周末你参与的由学校组织的“秋收体验”活动。内容包括:
    The Autumn Harvest Experience
    【答案】One possible version:
    The Autumn Harvest Experience
    Last weekend, I was pleased to participate in “The Autumn Harvest Experience” organized by our school.
    Early in the morning, we gathered at the gate of the school and set out. The village we went to was very poor and dirty. But when we arrived, we found it beautiful and well-organized. We witnessed the workers harvesting corn with a machine effectively and another one tidying and ploughing the field quickly afterward. We helped packing the corn and enjoyed some fresh and delicious corn before leaving.
    Through this experience, I witnessed the change in the village and learned the knowledge that technology and hard work matter in our life.
    1. 秋收地点及其变化;
    2. 秋收活动;
    3. 自己的感悟。
    第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)
    be pleased to do; participate in; set out; harvest corn with a machine; tidy and plough the field; pack the corn; through sth
    1.Last weekend, I was pleased to participate in “The Autumn Harvest Experience” organized by our school.
    2.Early in the morning, we gathered at the gate of the school and set out.
    3.We witnessed the workers harvesting corn with a machine effectively and another one tidying and ploughing the field quickly afterward.
    4. We helped packing the corn and enjoyed some fresh and delicious corn before leaving.
    5. Through this experience, I witnessed the change in the village and learned the knowledge that technology and hard work matter in our life.
    表文章时间顺序:at first; in the beginning; in the end; finally(供参考)
    Last weekend, I was pleased to participate in “The Autumn Harvest Experience” organized by our school.(上周末,我很高兴地参加了学校组织的“秋收体验”活动。)
    本句中 “organized by our school”过去分词做后置定语修饰名词“The Autumn Harvest Experience”。
    Through this experience, I witnessed the change in the village and learned the knowledge that technology and hard work matter in our life.( 通过这次经历,我见证了村里的变化,也了解到了技术和努力在我们生活中的重要性。)
    本句中“that”引导同位语从句,对之前名词“the knowledge”起到解释说明的作用。

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