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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1 What is the wman ging t d tnight?
    A. G t the cinema B. Attend a meeting. C. Watch TV.
    2 What will the man buy fr the wman?
    A. Ntebks. B. Pencils. C. Paper.
    3 What is the man's favrite sprt?
    A. Tennis. B. Vlleyball. C. Basketball.
    4 What is the weather prbably like nw?
    A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cludy.
    5 When will the speakers prbably leave fr the train statin?
    At 3: 30 pm. B. At 4: 00 pm. C. At 4: 30 pm.
    6 Wh is Sara?
    A. Alisa's classmate. B. The wman's friend. C. The wman's teacher.
    7 What will the wman prbably d next?
    A. D her hmewrk. B. Take a pht f flwers. C. Intrduce the man t Sara.
    8 When was the picture taken prbably?
    A. When the man played sprts.
    B. When the man held a party.
    C. When the man attended a musical event.
    9 Wh likes playing ftball?
    A. Sam. B. David. C. Maria.
    10 Hw did the man knw Maria?
    A. They were in the same class.
    B. They met at the wman's party.
    C. They were in the same music club.
    11 What are the speakers ding?
    A. Getting nt a bus. B. Waiting fr the bus. C. Walking t the bus stp.
    12 Hw des the man usually g back hme?
    A. He takes a bus and then walks. B. He walks all the way. C. He takes a taxi.
    13 What des the man say abut Charlie's?
    A. It's n Oak Street.
    B. It has banana bread in the afternn.
    C. It has limited pen hurs at weekends.
    14 What is the wman ding nw?
    A. Lking fr a ntebk. B. Reading the newspaper. C. Having lunch.
    15 When did the wman lse her bk?
    A. Last Tuesday. B. Last Wednesday. C. Last Thursday.
    16 What will the man d next fr the wman?
    A. Buy her a birthday present. B. Check at the frnt desk. C. Help find her bk.
    17 What did the speaker's parents advise him t d?
    A. G camping nearby. B. Stay at hme. C. Take a raincat.
    18 Hw did the speaker get t the village five years ag?
    A. By subway. B. By car. C. On ft.
    19 What des the speaker want Plly t bring?
    A. Fd B. Drinks. C. A tent.
    20 Hw lng will it take t get t the village by bus?
    A. Fr ne hur. B. Fr fur hurs. C. Fr five hurs.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Venice Film Festival
    The Venice Film Festival takes place every year in late August r early September n the Lid in the histric Palazz del Cinema, in Venice, Italy. Its main award is the “Lene d’Or” (Glden Lin). Recently, a new award has been added, the San Marc Award fr the best film.
    Academy Awards
    The Academy Awards are the mst prminent film awards in the United States. The awards are granted by the Academy f Mtin Picture Arts and Sciences. Academy Awards are nicknamed "Oscars", which is als the nickname f the statuette(小雕像). The name is said t have been brn when Margaret Herrick saw the statuette n a table and said, "It lks just like my uncle Oscar!"
    Berlin Film Festival
    The Berlin Film Festival is ne f the "A" festivals in Eurpe. The Berlin Internatinal Film Festival, als called the "Berlinale", is held annually in February and started in 1951 after an initiative f the American, wh ccupied part f the city after Wrld War Ⅱ. The jury(专家评奖团) always places special emphasis n representing films frm all ver the wrld, frm the frmer Eastern Blc(集团) Cuntries as well as frm Western cuntries. The awards are called Glden and Silver Bears (as the bear is the symbl f Berlin).
    Cannes Film Festival
    The Cannes Film Festival is a famus internatinal film festival. It has been held annually in Cannes, in the suth f France, since 1946 with a few exceptins. Given massive media expsure, the Festival is attended by many mvie stars and is a ppular venue fr mvie prducers t launch their new films and attempt t sell their wrks t the distributrs wh cme frm all ver the wrld.
    The mst famus award given ut at Cannes is the "Palme d’Or" (Glden Palm) fr the best film; this is smetimes shared by multiple films in ne year.
    21. Which award can be shared by multiple films in ne year?
    A. Glden Lin. B. Glden Palm. C. Academy Awards. D. San Marc Award.
    22. Which f the fllwing statements abut "Oscars" is NOT true?
    A. It's the nickname f Academy Awards.
    B. It's als the nickname f the statuette.
    C. It gt its name because Margaret said the statuette lked like his uncle.
    D. It's an award in France.
    23. Why is the award fr Berlin Film Festival called "Glden and Silver Bear"?
    A. It lks like a bear. B. It is made up f bear fur
    C. The bear is the symbl f Berlin. D. Bear is rare in Berlin.
    It is natural that yung peple are ften uncmfrtable(不自在) when they are with their parents. They say that their parents dn’t understand them. They ften think that their parents are ut f tuch with mdern ways; that they are t serius and t strict with their children; and that they seldm give their children a free hand.
    It is true that parents ften find it difficult t win their children’s trust and they tend t frget hw they themselves felt when yung. They shw that they have grwn up and they can face any difficult situatin. Older peple wrry mre easily. Mst f them plan things ahead, at least in the back f their minds, and d nt like their plans t be upset(扰乱) by smething unexpected.
    When yu want yur parents t let yu d smething, yu will have better success if yu ask befre yu really start ding it.
    Yung peple ften make their parents angry with their chices in clthes, in entertainment and in music. But they d nt mean t cause any truble; it is just that they feel cut ff frm the lder peple’s wrld, int which they have nt yet been accepted. That’s why yung peple want t make a new culture(文化) f their wn. And if their parents d nt like their music r entertainment r clthes r their way f speech, this will make the yung peple extremely happy.
    Smetimes yu are s prud f yurself that yu d nt want yur parents t say "yes" t what yu d. All yu want is t be left alne and d what yu like. It is natural enugh, after being a child fr s many years, when yu were cmpletely under yur parents’ cntrl.
    If yu plan t cntrl yur life, yu’d better win yur parents ver and try t get them t understand yu. If yur parents see that yu have a high sense f respnsibility(责任), they will certainly give yu the right t d what yu want t d.
    24. This article is particularly written fr .
    A. parents B. bth parents and their children
    C. yung peple D. teachers
    25. Accrding t the text, yung peple tend t .
    A. ask fr advice befre they really start t d anything
    B. d things withut thinking carefully ahead
    C. be very strict with themselves
    D. think in the same way as their parents d
    26. Accrding t the text, yung peple want t make a new culture f their wn, because .
    A. they want t shw they have grwn up
    B. they d nt want t get int truble
    C. they feel they are cleverer than the lder peple
    D. they dn't feel they belng t the wrld f the lder peple
    27. If a yung man plans t cntrl his wn life, it's better fr him t .
    A. d everything accrding t his wn wish B. d everything the way his parents d
    C. d everything under his parents' cntrl D. d everything with a high sense f respnsibility
    I sat in my ld rm, lking at the ftball n the shelve, feeling it laughing at me.
    In cllege at Baylr, I’d been a star wide receiver, dreaming f making it big in the NFL, But I wasn’t picked in the NFL draft. Then I started as an undrafted free agent with the Indianaplis Clts. Hwever, Clts called me back t practice. A secnd chance! Then smething went wrng with my knee and I had t give it up. The next seasn, the Seattle Seahawks invited me t minicamp. They cut me at the end f the preseasn.
    Was that my fate? Hw wuld I mve frward? I wept bitter tears. Then I gt a call unexpectedly. A guy asked me t speak in his schl. I wrte dwn all I shuld say. But the minute I stepped n stage, my mind went blank. I had n idea hw t help these teens. All I culd talk abut was what I’d been thrugh.
    Thse kids asked me questins afterward, hungry fr mre. I gt a huge welcme, bigger than I ever gt n the ftball field. That’s when it hit me: Yu needn’t be perfect t help peple. All yu have t be is real.
    My life was cming. Withut planning it, I had a whle new calling. I began psting t YuTube every day. The vides tk ff, getting thusands f views. It was inspiring. The cmments and questins came puring in. Peple came t ask fr advice and help I’d never be able t ffer if I were playing n Sunday.
    Tday I d many speaking engagements. Every day I pst a vide and respnd t all thse questins frm peple, always speaking frm the heart, I’m still in prgress. We all are, having s many ways t grw, and s much t learn and pass alng.
    28. Which can best describe the authr's dream f playing in the NFL?
    A. Unreal. B. Funny. C. Failed. D. Strange.
    29. Hw did the authr feel when he was making the first speech?
    A. Cnfident. B. Pleased. C. Bred. D. Nervus.
    30. What can we knw abut the authr?
    A. He is warm-hearted. B. He is gd-lking.
    C. He wants t be a player. D. He wants t ask fr advice.
    31. What may be the best title fr the text?
    A. Find a way t get success B. Be yurself t help thers
    C. Make prgress little by little D. Stick t yur dream t the end
    There is an ld saying in English: "Laughter is the best medicine". Until recently, few peple tk the saying very seriusly. Nw, hwever, dctrs have begun t investigate laughter and the effects it has n the human bdy. They have fund evidence that laughter really can imprve peple’s health.
    Tests were carried ut t study the effects f laughter n the bdy. Peple watched funny films, while dctrs checked their heart rate, bld pressure, breathing and muscles. It was fund that laughter has similar effects t physical exercise. It increases bld pressure, the heart rate and the rate f breathing; it als wrks several grups f muscles in the face, the stmach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the bdy, it must be beneficial.
    Other tests have shwn that laughter appears t be capable f reducing the effect f pain n the bdy. In ne experiment dctrs prduced pain in grups f students wh listened t different radi prgrams. The grup, which tlerated the pain fr the lngest time, was the grup, which listened t a funny prgram. The reasn why laughter can reduce pain seems t be that it helps t prduce endrphins(内啡肽) in the brain. These are natural chemicals that diminish bth stress and pain.
    There is als sme evidence t suggest that laughter helps the bdy’s immune system, that is, the system which fights infectin. In an experiment, ne grup f students watched a funny vide while anther grup served as the cntrl grup-in ther wrds, a grup with which t cmpare the first grup. Dctrs checked the bld f the students in bth grups and fund that the peple in the grup that watched the vide had an increase in the activity f their bld cells, that is, the cells which fight infectin.
    As a result f these discveries, sme dctrs and psychiatrists(精神病学家) in the United States nw hld laughter clinics, in which they try t imprve their patients’ cnditins by encuraging them t laugh. They have fund that even if their patients d nt really feel like laughing, making them smile is enugh t prduce beneficial effects similar t thse caused by laughter.
    32. We learn frm the first paragraph that laughter .
    A. is gd fr ne's health. B. is related t sme illness.
    C. has been investigated lng since. D. has n effect n the bdy.
    33. Dctrs have fund that laughter .
    A. keeps dwn bld pressure. B. has similar effects t physical exercise.
    C. decreases the heart rate. D. increases stress.
    34. Which f the fllwing statements is NOT true f laughter, accrding t the passage?
    A. It reduces pain. B. It exercises the bdy.
    C. It imprves the bdy's immune(免疫的)system. D. It can cure cancer.
    35. In a laughter clinic, dctrs .
    A. laugh at their patients. B. encurage their patients t laugh.
    C. smile when they dn't feel like laughing. D. never stp laughing.
    Everyne sleeps. Hwever, taking the time t develp a sleep habit is prbably the last thing n yur mind and sme sleep advice simply can’t be frgtten. 36 .
    Watching TV until yu fall asleep
    It has nthing t d with what yu watch-TV news isn’t a better pre-sleep chice than TV series.
    37 . The bright light keeps yu awake all the night. S even if yu nd ff (in frnt f the TV, fr example), yu prbably wn’t stay asleep fr lng.
    Sleeping with pets
    38 . They get cmfrtable, and then they mve. This ges n all night, and whether yu admit it r nt, it interrupts yur ability t get the level f sleep needed t feel rested.
    Eating fatty, heavy fds t clse t bedtime
    Heartburn (烧心、胃痛) strikes anyne f any age, but it's the mst cmmn GI disrder (胃肠失调) in lder adults. If yu've ever tried t g t sleep after eating a fatty meal, yu've prbably fund the discmfrt f stmach preventing yu frm falling asleep r staying asleep.
    Remember hw prly yu sleep when yu have a fever-turning ver and ver again, never really feeling rested? Well, heavy exercise t clse t bedtime has the same effect-it raises yur bdy temperature s that yur sleep is disturbed until yur bdy temperature drps t nrmal, which may take several hurs.
    Accepting snring (打呼噜) as nrmal sleep behavir
    Snring may seem as cmmn as breathing, but it’s cnsidered the biggest sleep killer, and it’s linked t several causes: sleeping n yur back, being verweight, having a cld, drinking, r taking drugs. 40. Fr the snrer, it disturbs sleep by awakening him/her every s ften in rder t breathe nrmally. Fr the partner, the nise can be unbearable.
    A. Exercising heavily t clse t bedtime
    A. Here are sme suggestins yu’ll need t fllw
    C. Reducing yur bdy temperature befre bedtime
    D. Rather it’s the TV’s bright light that is the criminal
    E. Here are sme bad habits yu need t get rid f
    F. Mst seriusly, it’s caused by a dangerus illness
    G. Pets sleep mst f the day, and they mve a lt when sleeping
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)
    Dad was nt nly my best friend, but my cmpass (指南针). While he was alive, he 41 me with his actins and advice. He taught me ne imprtant 42 : "Believe in yurself."
    If there was ne phrase my dad 43 liked t hear, it was "I can’t." He never gt t finish high schl and 44 tw jbs t supprt his large family, 45 he never cmplained. Thrugh educatin and years f hard wrk, my dad became an excellent jurnalist.
    When I was in high schl, I had a 46 time with math. He tried t help me, but I 47 struggled. S my math teacher suggested I meet with him at 7:00 each mrning befre schl fr 48 help. I tld Dad, "That’s 49 ! I’m tired! I can’t d that!" He replied, "Yu’re ding it. I'll send yu t schl." Every mrning at 6:45, we'd leave the 50 . Despite (尽管) wrking 12 hurs every day, Dad never nce 51 driving me t schl.
    After mnths f 52 , I was facing the final exam. I was s 53 . On the day f the final, my dad hugged me and said, "Luke, 54 yurself. Yu can d it." His wrds made me realize I needed t trust in my 55 and in the hurs f wrk I’d 56 . When I gt my 57 prudly, the first persn I called was my father. He cried, "Yes! Yu deserved it!"
    Even nw, whenever I 58 that a task is t much fr me, I think back t that exam. N matter hw 59Csmething is, if yu’re willing t wrk, yu can succeed. I’m frever 60 t Dad fr that lessn.
    41. A. understd B. frgave C. guided D. impressed
    42. A. histry B. lessn C. skill D. language
    43. A. always B. almst C. ever D. never
    44. A. tk B. lst C. left D. finished
    45. A. s B. r C. but D. and
    46. A. gd B. free C. terrible D. shrt
    47. A. still B. nearly C. hardly D. prbably
    48. A. real B. practical C. immediate D. extra
    49. A. wnderful B. crazy C. expensive D. necessary
    50. A. huse B. schl C. ffice D. farm
    51. A. suggested B. risked C. enjyed D. missed
    52. A. meeting B. testing C. learning D. interviewing
    53. A. excited B. nervus C. happy D. shcked
    54. A. stand fr B. hld back C. believe in D. lk after
    55. A. teacher B. luck C. time D. ability
    56. A. wasted B. ignred C. picked up D. put in
    57. A. answer B. grade C. pay D. gift
    58. A. hpe B. frget C. wrry D. prmise
    59. A. different B. imprtant C. hard D. interesting
    60. A. grateful B. srry C. plite D. useful
    Many peple believe that they will be happy nce they 61. (arrival) at sme specific gal they set fr 62. (neself). Hwever, mre ften than nt, nce yu arrive "there", yu will still feel 63. (dissatisfy), and mve yur "there" visin t yet anther pint in 64.
    future. By always chasing after anther "there," yu are never 65. (real) appreciating what yu already have right "here." It is imprtant fr human beings 66. (keep) sber-minded (沉着冷静的) abut the age-ld drive t lk beynd the place 67. yu nw stand. On ne hand, yur life is enhanced by yur dreams and aspiratins.
    68. the ther hand, these drives can pull yu farther and farther frm yur enjyment f yur life right nw. By 69. (learn) the lessns f gratitude and abundance, yu can bring yurself clser t fulfilling the challenge f living in the present,70. can help yu enjy the mment yu have.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    My name is Ma Lili, an survivr f the Tangshan earthquake in 1976. Many strange things had happened befre the earthquake, but we didn't take them serius. Fifteen secnds late, the large city lay in ruin. My family and I were buried under the building. Luckily, sldiers came t ur rescue in time. It was reprted that Tangshan was the centre f the earthquake but tens f thusands f peple died, what shcked the wrld! At that time, sme peple were thught Tangshan wuld disappear frm the wrld. Hwever, Tangshan sn begin t breathe again. We all devted urselves t rebuild it and nw the city is becming even beautiful than befre.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    Dear Sir r Madame,

    Li Hua
    1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.A 14.B 15.A
    16.C 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.A 21.B 22.D 23.C 24.C 25.B 26.D 27.D 28.C 29.D 30.A 31.B 32.A 33.B 34.D 35.B 36.E 37.D 38.G 39.A 40.F 41C 42 B 43 D 44A 45C 46C 47A 48D 49B 50A 51D 52C 53B 54C 55D 56D 57B 58C 59C 60A
    61.arrive 62.Themselves 63.Dissatisfied 64.The 65.Really 66.t keep 67.Where 68.On 69.Learning 70.which
    1. an→a 2. serius→seriusly 3. late→later 4. ruin→ruins 5. but→and 6. what→which 7. 删除thught前的were 8. begin→began 9. rebuild→rebuilding 10. 在even和beautiful之间添加mre
    Dear Sir r Madame,
    I am writing in respnse t yur advertisement in the newspaper. My name is Li Hua and I am 18 years ld. I think I will be fit fr the jb as a waitress in yur htel this summer vacatin. My advantages are as fllws:
    Firstly, I am healthy and strng. I can wrk fr lng hurs in summer. Secndly, my English is excellent. I can speak English fluently and have n difficulty cmmunicating with freigners. Finally , I am utging and gd at cmmunicating with thers. As a result, I am ppular amng my classmates and teachers.
    I wuld appreciate it if yu culd give me the chance t wrk in yur htel. Im lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    19.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段 “The mst famus award given ut at Cannes is the “Palme d’Or” (Glden Palm) fr the best film; this is smetimes shared by multiple films in ne year.”(戛纳电影节颁发给最佳电影的最著名的奖是“金棕榈奖”,它有时可由一年中的多部影片共同获得)可知,金棕榈奖可由多部影片分享。故选B。
    20.细节理解题。根据第二段第一句话“The Academy Awards are the mst prminent film awards in the United States.”(学院奖是美国最重要的电影奖。)可知,这个奖项在美国,不在法国。且根据第二段第三句“Academy Awards are nicknamed ‘Oscars’”(学院奖“奥斯卡奖”的昵称)可知,学院奖就是指奥斯卡。故选D。
    21.细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“The awards are called Glden and Silver Bears (as the bear is the symbl f Berlin).”(这个奖被叫做金熊奖和银熊奖。因为熊是柏林的象征)可知,这个奖被叫做金熊奖和银熊奖是因为熊是柏林的象征。故选C。
    24.推理判断题。根据文章第一段开头“It is natural that yung peple are ften uncmfrtable when they are with their parents. They say that their parents dn’t understand them.(年轻人和父母在一起时常常感到不舒服是很自然的。他们说他们的父母不理解他们)”可知,本文主要围绕年轻人为什么不愿意和父母呆在一起这一现象展开,然后在文章最末给到了一些中肯的建议。由此推知,本文是写给年轻人的。故选C。
    25.推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Older peple wrry mre easily(老年人更容易担心)”可知,老年人会担心年轻人的做法,因为两者处事方式不一样。再结合下文“Mst f them plan things ahead, at least in the back f their minds, and d nt like their plans t be upset by smething unexpected.(大多数老年人喜欢提前计划事情,至少在他们的脑海里,不喜欢他们的计划被意想不到的事情打乱)”可知,老年人喜欢提前计划事情。上文又说到两者处理事情的方式不一样,由此推知,年轻人更偏爱于做事前不提前计划。故选B。
    26.细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Yung peple ften make their parents angry with their chices in clthes, in entertainment and in music. But they d nt mean t cause any truble; it is just that they feel cut ff frm the lder peple’s wrld, int which they have nt yet been accepted.(年轻人常常让父母对他们在衣着、娱乐和音乐方面的选择感到愤怒。但他们并不想制造任何麻烦,只是觉得与老年人的世界隔绝了,他们还没有被接受)”可知,年轻人们想要建立自己的新文化是因为他们觉得自己和老年人的文化格格不入,不属于同一个世界。故选D。
    27.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“If yu plan t cntrl yur life, yu’d better win yur parents ver and try t get them t understand yu. If yur parents see that yu have a high sense f respnsibility, they will certainly give yu the right t d what yu want t d.(如果你打算控制自己的生活,你最好说服你的父母,让他们理解你。如果你的父母看到你有高度的责任感,他们一定会给你做你想做的事情的权利)”可知,如果年轻人们想要掌控自己的生活一定要有高度的责任感。故选D。
    28.细节理解题。根据第二段关键句“In cllege at Baylr, I’d been a star wide receiver, dreaming f making it big in the NFL, But I wasn’t picked in the NFL draft.”(在Baylr上大学的时候,我是一个全明星的接球手,梦想着在NFL中大放异彩,但我在NFL选秀中落选了。)可知,作者梦想在NFL踢球,但是在NFL选秀中落选了,没能实现这个梦想。由此可推断出,作者在NFL踢球的梦想失败了。故选C项。
    29.推理判断题。根据第三段关键句“A guy asked me t speak in his schl. I wrte dwn all I shuld say. But the minute I stepped n stage, my mind went blank. I had n idea hw t help these teens. All I culd talk abut was what I’d been thrugh.”(一个人让我在他的学校里讲话。我把该说的都写下来了。但我一踏上舞台,脑子就一片空白。我不知道如何帮助这些青少年。我能说的就是我所经历的一切。)可知,在演讲时,作者一踏上舞台,脑子就一片空白,由此可推断出,作者在第一次演讲时是紧张的,所以才大脑一片空白,把之前写好的东西都忘记了。故选D项。
    30.推理判断题。根据最后一段关键句“Tday I d many speaking engagements. Every day I pst a vide and respnd t all thse questins frm peple, always speaking frm the heart, I’m still in prgress.”(今天我做了很多演讲。每天我都会发布一段视频,回答人们的所有问题,总是发自内心地说,我还在进行中。)可知,作者在网站上发布视频并会回答人们所有的问题,他愿意帮助别人,并且一直在坚持,由此可推断出,作者是一个热心的人。故选A项。
    31.主旨大意题。根据文章内容,结合文章第四段关键句“Yu needn’t be perfect t help peple. All yu have t be is real.”(帮助别人不需要完美。你要做的就是真实。)可知,作者在文章中通过自己的经历告诉我们,你不需要变得完美才可以帮助别人,你只需要做自己,尽力去帮助别人就可以了。“Be yurself t help thers”意为“做你自己去帮助别人”,能够概括文章中作者想告诉我们的道理,最适合作文章标题。故选B项。
    32.细节理解题。根据文章Nw, hwever, dctrs have begun t investigate laughter and the effects it has n the human bdy. They have fund evidence that laughter really can imprve peple’s health. 然而现在,医生们已经开始研究笑及其对人体的影响。他们发现了笑确实可以改善健康的证据。由此可知笑对人们的健康是有好处的,故选A。
    33.细节理解题。根据文章It was fund that laughter has similar effects t physical exercise. 研究发现,笑和体育锻炼的效果相似。故选B。
    34.细节理解题。根据文章It was fund that laughter has similar effects t physical exercise. 研究发现,笑和体育锻炼的效果相似。Other tests have shwn that laughter appears t be capable f reducing the effect f pain n the bdy. 其他试验表明,笑似乎能够减轻疼痛对身体的影响。There is als sme evidence t suggest that laughter helps the bdy’s immune system, that is, the system which fights infectin. 还有一些证据表明,笑有助于人体的免疫系统,也就是对抗感染的系统。ABC三项都是正确的,文中并未提到笑可以治愈癌症,故选D。
    35.细节理解题。根据文章As a result f these discveries, sme dctrs and psychiatrists(精神病学家)in the United States nw hld laughter clinics, in which they try t imprve their patients’ cnditins by encuraging them t laugh. 由于这些发现,美国的一些医生和精神病学家现在开设了笑声诊所,他们试图通过鼓励病人去笑来改善他们的病情。因此在笑声诊所里,医生们鼓励他们的病人去笑,故选B。
    36.根据空格前一句“Hwever, taking the time t develp a sleep habit is prbably the last thing n yur mind and sme sleep advice simply can’t be frgtten.(然而,花时间去养成一个睡眠习惯可能是你最不愿意做的事情,一些睡眠建议是无法忘记的)”可知,失眠习惯对于我们的睡眠息息相关,良好的睡眠习惯很重要。然后结合接下来的小标题可知,本文介绍了四种睡眠坏习惯,所以此空应该讲述坏的睡眠习惯需要被改正。那么E选项Here are sme bad habits yu need t get rid f(以下是一些你需要改掉的坏习惯)统领全文。故选E。
    37.根据空格前一句“It has nthing t d with what yu watch(这与你看什么无关)”可知,失眠与你所看的内容无关。再根据空格后一句“The bright light keeps yu awake all the night(明亮的灯光使你彻夜未眠)”可知,亮光才会让你失眠,所以空格处应该讲述电视的亮光才会造成的你失眠。那么D项Rather it’s the TV’s bright light that is the criminal(相反,电视的强光才是罪魁祸首)承上启下。故选D。
    38.根据文章小标题“Sleeping with pets(和宠物一起睡觉)”可知,本段主要讲述与宠物睡觉会造成失眠。再结合下文“They get cmfrtable, and then they mve.(它们会感到舒服,然后移动)”可知,宠物睡觉会动由此会影响你的睡眠,所以空格处应该讲述宠物睡觉的特点。那么G项Pets sleep mst f the day, and they mve a lt when sleeping(宠物大部分时间都在睡觉,睡觉的时候它们就会动)描述了宠物睡觉的特点,引出下文。故选G。
    39.根据本段第二句“Well, heavy exercise t clse t bedtime has the same effect—it raises yur bdy temperature s that yur sleep is disturbed until yur bdy temperature drps t nrmal, which may take several hurs.(睡前剧烈运动也有同样的效果,它会使你的体温升高,使你的睡眠受到干扰,直到你的体温降到正常水平,这可能需要几个小时)”可知,睡前剧烈运动也会造成你的失眠,所以本段在讲剧烈运动也会影响睡眠。那么A项Exercising heavily t clse t bedtime(睡前剧烈运动)为本段段意。故选A。
    40.根据空格前一句“Snring may seem as cmmn as breathing, but it’s cnsidered the biggest sleep killer, and it’s linked t several causes: sleeping n yur back, being verweight, having a cld, drinking, r taking drugs.(打鼾似乎和呼吸一样常见,但它被认为是最大的睡眠杀手,它与几个原因有关:仰卧睡觉、超重、感冒、酗酒或吸毒)”可知,此处论述了造成打鼾的原因。所以此空应该继续论述打鼾的原因。那么F项Mst seriusly, it’s caused by a dangerus illness(最严重的是,它是由一种危险的疾病引起的)承接上文。故选F。
    41C 42 B 43 D 44A 45C 46C 47A 48D 49B 50A 51D 52C 53B 54C 55D 56D 57B 58C 59C 60A
    【小题41】C动词辨析。A. understd理解;B. frgave原谅;C. guided指导;D. impressed留有印象。根据句意,他用行动和建议来指导我,故选C。
    【小题42】B上下文串联。A. histry历史;B. lessn课程;C. skill 技能;D. language语言。根据文章最后一句fr that lessn说明我永远爸爸给我的教训,故选B。
    【小题43】D副词辨析。A. Always总是;B. almst几乎;C. ever曾经;D. never未曾。根据句意,如果有一个我爸爸永远不喜欢听见的话,故选D。
    【小题44】A动词辨析。A. tk从事于;B. lst失去;C. left离开;D. finished完成。根据句意,他没有读完高中,做了两份工作养活家人,故选A。
    【小题45】C连词辨析。A. s所以;B. r或者;C. but但是;D. and和。根据句意,父亲承担起了养家的重任,但是他从未抱怨过,故选C。
    【小题46】C上下文串联。A. gd好的;B. free免费的;C. terrible极坏的;D. shrt短的。根据下文可知我在数学上很艰难,总是数学很不好,故选C。
    【小题47】A副词辨析。A. still仍然;B. nearly几乎;C. hardly几乎不;D. prbably也许。根据句意,老师帮助我,可是我的数学仍然很差,故选A。
    【小题48】D形容词辨析。A. real 真的;B. practical实用的;C. immediate立刻;D. extra额外的。根据句意,老师让我7点前到校给我额外的帮助,故选D。
    【小题49】B形容词辨析。A. wnderful棒;B. crazy 疯狂;C. expensive昂贵;D. necessary必要。根据句意,我不想这样做,认为这是疯狂的事情,故选B。
    【小题50】A考查常识。A. huse房子;B. schl学校;C. ffice办公室;D. farm农场。根据常识,每天早上学生都是从家里出发去学校的,故Huse正确,故选A。
    【小题51】D动词辨析。A. suggested建议;B. risked冒险;C. enjyed喜欢;D. missed错过。根据句意,虽然父亲上班很累,但父亲从未错过一次送我上学,故选D。
    【小题52】C动词辨析。A. meeting迎接;B. testing测试;C. learning学会;D. interviewing采访。根据句意,一个月的学习以后,我面临这期末考试,故选C。
    【小题53】B上下文串联。A. excited 兴奋的;B. nervus紧张的;C. happy开心的;D. shcked震惊的。根据上文可知我的数学一直很差,所以在考试的时候我很紧张,担心考不好,故选B。
    【小题54】C短语辨析。A. stand fr代表;B. hld back坚持;C. believe in信任;D. lk after照顾。根据上文说明,Luke相信你自己,故选C。
    【小题55】D名词辨析。A. teacher老师;B. luck运气;C. time时间;D. ability能力。根据句意,他的话让我意识到我要相信自己的能力,故选D。
    【小题56】D词义辨析。A. wasted浪费;B. ignred忽视;C. picked up捡起;D. put in付诸于。根据句意,我要相信自己的能力和付出的时间,故选D。
    【小题57】B名词辨析。A. answer答案;B. grade分数;C. pay钱;D. gift天赋。根据句意,当我自豪地得知我的分数,第一个打电话给爸爸,故选B。
    【小题58】C动词辨析。A. hpe 希望;B. frget忘记;C. wrry担忧;D. prmise允诺。根据句意,甚至是现在当我担心某项工作太多的时候,都会想起那次考试,故选C。
    【小题59】C形容词辨析。A. different不同;B. imprtant重要;C. hard困难;D. interesting有趣。根据句意,无论事情多么艰难,只要你愿意,你就会取得成功,故选C。
    【小题60】A形容词辨析。A. grateful 感激的;B. srry难受的;C. plite礼貌的;D. useful有用的。根据句意,我永远都会感激父亲给我的那个教训,故选A。

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