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    A. Chse the best answer
    26. Smene in the restaurant lked ut f the windw and nticed the accident. Which f the fllwing is crrect fr the underlined wrd in the sentence?
    A.[ˈsʌmwʌn]B . [ˈsʌmw ɔ n]C . [ˈs ɔ mwʌn]D. [ˈs æ mwʌn]
    27. Which f the fllwing underlined parts is different in prnunciatin frm thers?
    A. natinalB . natinC. internatinalD. natinality
    28.Which f the fllwing is crrect?
    A. United NatinsB. the Yu Garden
    C. the Huangpu RiverD. Oriental Pearl TV Twer
    29. Canada is the nrth f the USA and it is the nrth f America. A.n, inB. n , tC. t, nD. t , in
    30. I need a piece f paper .
    A. wiritingB. t writeC. t write nD. t be written
    31. Rather than everything t the last minute, he always prefers t start early.
    A. t leaveB. leavingC. leaveD. havign left
    32. They watched the dg the she and it up.
    A. rushing, pickingB. rush, pickingC. rushing , pickD. rush, pick
    33. Sme beautiful birds spend their whle lives in the cage fr peple t enjy. A.risingB. raisingC. risenD. raised
    34. The brave firefighters saved the peple in the building ne after .
    A. antherB. thersC. thersD. the ther
    35. In the ld days the pr wrker wrked lng hurs every day he culd supprt his whle family.
    A. becauseB. thughC. unlessD. s that
    36. –Culd yu tell me ?
    --Srry. I dn’t knw. I was nt at the meeting.
    A. what des he say at the meetingB. what did he say at the meeting
    C. what he says at the meetingD. what he said at the meeting
    37. He is nt a fl .
    A. such , as he is lkedB. such, as he lks
    C. as, as he is lkedD. s, as he lks
    38. –Is the rm large enugh fr the whle class t ?
    -- Yes. The classrm can at least 70 students. A. seat, seatB. seat in , be seated in
    C. be seated, be seatedD. be seated in , seat
    39. imprtant news is in ur everyday life!
    A. What anB. What aC. WhatD. Hw
    40. We shuld believe that ur gvernment will the cuntry a nuclear missile attack.
    A.prevent, frmB. keep , safe frmC. stp , frmD. keep , frm
    41. – My teacher says she will cancel the class play. I just can’t understand.
    -- . Yu were lking frward t it.
    A. It desn’t matterB. It is very unwise f her
    C. Dn’t wrry abut itD. Yu must be disappinted
    B. Cmplete the sentences with the given wrds in their apppriate frms.
    42. It is reprted that the average living f cllege students are ¥1500 every mnth. ( expensive )
    43. He is writing a nvel abut the ryal marriage f the UK. (histry )
    44. Ecnmic has becme the trend f wrld ecnmic develpment. ( glbe)
    45. The students kept if there wuld be an English test the next week. (wnderful)
    46. The teachers in Grade Seven fund themselves ut ff frm the wireless wrld last
    Mnday. (cruelty)
    C. Cmplete the sentences as required.
    48. Aunt Margaret asked me t take care f her little sn while she was ut.( 保持句意不变)
    I was asked t Aunt Margaret’s little sn while she was ut.
    49.Betty liked taking a bus t wrk. She liked taking an undergrund t wrk better. (合并为 一句)
    Betty taking an undergrund a bus t wrk.
    50. Mr. and Mrs. Xia g t the cinema fur times a mnth t enjy their dating. (划线部分提问)
    times d Mr. and Mrs Xia g t the cinema t enjy their dating.
    51. Mr. Zhang saw Mark cpying thers’ hmewrk when he passed the classrm.(被动语态)
    Mark thers’ hmewrk, by Mr. Zhang when he passed the classrm.
    52. Simn chse t visit Tian’anmen Square after he had arrived in Beijig .(划线部分提问)
    Simn chse t visit after he had arrived in Beijing?
    53. imprtant, say , what, mre, is , In my pinin, way , yu , smething, the , say , far, than , yu
    D. Fill in the blanks with verbs in their prper frms
    54. I like these English sngs and they many times n the radi. (teach)
    55. The classrm is s dirty. It needs befre we start ur new term.( clean)
    56. The blind gd care f by the vlunteers frm Shangba Middle Schl last year.( take)
    57. Has Jack decided when he ur schl gate? ( guard)
    58. Students with math anxiety usually have difficulty
    their minds n math
    59. Unfrtunately, when I gt t her flat, she , s we had nly time fr a few wrds.
    (leave )
    E. Translatin.
    60. 你知道 SPCA 是什么吗? 它是爱护动物协会
    61. 作为监护人,这对夫妻应该为他们失踪的孩子负责。
    62. 虽然北京的 Universal Studi 还没有正式开放, 它将会成为北京的又一个旅游胜地。
    63. 这位专家提高了自己的嗓音为了让别人注视他。(eyes)
    64. 当他叫我名字时, 我正忙于在字典中查单词。
    B. Chse the wrds r expressins and cmplete the passage.
    Animal rights is abut letting animals live n their wn terms. It can be written int ur laws, but is nt an actual list r bill f rights as we have fr human sciety. It begins with ur prmises nt t act like 75 f thers. Animal rights is abut justice ─ treating animals fairly.
    Why is animal rights necessary? It is because we humans ften act as thugh we are the nly beings n the planet. Althugh we depend n ther animals fr ur very survival, humans are the
    nly animals that have upset the balance f nature. There are lts f ways that humans explit(剥
    削)animals. We dmesticate them and use them fr fd, even thugh ur nutritinal needs can be
    cmpletely supplied by a(n) 76
    diet. Althugh ther materials are available, we use
    animal’s skin and ther bdy parts fr clthing, furs, hats, bts, jewellery and even pet tys. Humans can talk abut it but animals cannt. All animals wish t experience life in its fullness. Unlike many animals wh have t kill t survive, humans d nt. Why shuld humans cause
    77 t ther beings when it’s nt necessary?
    As we d, animals prtect their children; they feel fear; they warn each ther f dangers; they play. We might differ frm ther animals in sme ways, but that desn’t give us the right t chase them dwn, take their lands, pllute their waters, r use them fr ur cnveniences. Animals als experience pain and it’s nt difficult t bserve bserve f pain in the way a cnscius being
    reacts t it. We take advantage, cause distress, and act 78
    when we use animals fr
    amusement. Lts f pets are left n the streets when their wners n lnger find it cnvenient r
    affrdable t keep r care fr them.
    Whether we admit it r nt, it’s a prejudice t think we are superir t animals and that it is ur right t cntrl them, which can nly make peple act mean, hateful r neglectful. Hwever, each f us has within us the pwer t 79 . We can adpt a different attitude, ne that reshape ur destiny. This will have wnderful effects n the planet’s ther cmmunities, fr life is
    80 aviding suffering. It is interacting, singing, pursuing jy. We humans can learn t live respnsibly, with respect, kindness and lve.
    75. A. fllwersB. friendsC. mastersD. tutrs (导师)
    76. A. animal-freeB. ec-friendlyC. lw-saltD. well-balanced
    77. A. cnflictB. cnfusinC. islatin(孤立) D. pain
    78. A. differentlyB. eagerlyC. gentlyD. unfairly
    79. A. changeB. cntrlC. persisitD. cntinue
    80. A. ppsite tB. mre thanC. rather thanD. because f
    C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with prper wrds.
    When did yu last visit a shpping mall? In many places, the answer wuld be “last weekend.” Sme peple g even mre ften. Why? Fr ne thing, malls gds and services that peple need all in ne place: fd, clthing, things fr their huses, entertainment, even medical services. S, are malls ne f the highlights f mdern civilizatin? Envirnmental activists wuld
    g even f
    and say that cnsumer behavir is causing a huge envirnmental disaster.
    They cause cnsumers f ignrance f the side effect f their shpping —urban sprawl ( 城市扩 张) .
    Scial scientists agree that patterns f develpment have changed the landscape a great deal
    in the last half century. Befre 1950, mst peple lived in twns r cities and e
    t wrk r tk public transprtatin. Only very wealthy peple had autmbiles. Farmers lived in rural areas r islated villages and came int twn nly when they needed things they culdn’t
    prduce t
    . If yu gazed at the landscape yu wuld see twns surrunded by
    cuntryside. Then a massive change ccurred.
    Autmbiles became affrdable and peple were quick t adpt them. Nw ambitius wrkers culd live in the suburbs, the areas just utside cities, which started t grw rapidly. As lng as there was lts f cheap land in the suburbs, n ne paid much attentin t the usage f that land. Malls, fast fd restaurants, cinemas, and car dealerships spread ut in large, flat buildings. These ne–stry buildings and their parking lt tk up a great deal space. Well– meaning farmers thught they were better ff selling their land than grwing crps. In ignrance, n ne r nce the land was built up in urban sprawl, the gd farming land wuld be ruined frever. There was n way t preserve it.
    Only in recent years have peple cme t murn the ld way f life as they have develped insight int the prblems. Nw peple realize that urban sprawl has cme with serius e
    prblems. The negative aspects f sprawl include air and water pllutin, lss f agricultural land, traffic jams, and the death f businesses in the ld twn centers. Many schlars think the time has cme t analyze the prblems better s we can develp apprpriate plicies t c further sprawl. Sme think the best way t d is t educate citizens
    D. Answer the questins
    One day , a yung man was standing in the middle f the twn, basting that he had the mst beautiful heart in the wrld. A large crwd gathered t have a lk at his heart, which was smth and shiny and lked very healthy. Indeed, they agreed that the man had the mst beautiful heart they had ever seen.
    Suddenly, an ld man appeared and said, “ Yur heart is nt nearly as beautiful as mine>” The crwded and the yung man lked at the ld man’s heart --- it had scars all ver it.
    It had places where pieces had been remved and ther pieces were put in . In sme places there were deep hles where whle pieces were missing.
    The yung man laughed and said, “ Cmpared with yur heart, mine is perfect. Yurs is just as mess f scars.”
    “ Yes,” said the ld man. “ Yurs lks perfect but I wuld never trade my heart fr yurs. Every scars in my heart represents a persn t whm I have given my lve. I tear ut a piece f my heart and give it t them. Often they give me a piece f theirs in return. Sme pieces may nt perfectly fit my heart, s yu can see sme uneven edges. These scars and uneven edges remind me f the lve we shared.”
    The ld man cntinued, “Smetimes I wuld give a piece f my heart away, and the ther presn may nt retrun a piece f his heart t me. It then becmes an empty hle. Althugh these hles are painful , they remind me f the lve I have fr these peple. S nw d yu see what true beauty is?”
    The yung man std silently with tears running dwn his cheeks. He tre a piece f his perfect heart ut and ffered it t the ld man. The ld man placed the piece int his scarred heart. and then tk a piece frm his and placed it in the yung man’s heart.
    Lking at his heart, which was nt perfect anymre but mre beautiful than ever, the yung man felt lve since lve frm the ld man’s heart flwed int his.
    88. Why did a large crwd gather in the middle f the twn?
    89. All the peple agreed that the man had the mst beautiful heart they had ever seen, didn’t they ?
    90. What des every scar in the ld man’s heart represent?
    91. Explain why the ld man may have an empty hld n his heart?
    92. Hw did the yung man feel after hearing the ld man’s stry ?
    93. D yu think which heart is mre beautiful, the perfect r the scarred heart? why ?
    26-30 ABCAC31-35 CDDAD36-40 DBDDB 41. D
    42. expenses43. histrical44. glbalizatin45. wndering46. cruelly47.
    48. lk after49. preferred, t taking50. Hw many51. was seen cpying52.
    What place, did
    53. What's mre, in my pinin, the way yu say smething is far mre imprtant than what yu say.
    54. have been taught55. cleaning 56. were taken57. will guard58. fcusing
    59. was leaving
    60. D yu knw what SPCA is? It is the lving-animals assciatin.
    61. As guardians, the cupleshuld be respnsible fr the missing child.
    62. Althugh the Universal Studi in Beijing haven't pen t the public, it will becme a
    turist attractin.
    63. The expert has raised his vice in rder t get thers's eyes.
    64. When he was calling my names, I was busy lking up the wrds in the dictinary.
    75. C 76. A 77.D 78. D 79. A 80. B
    81. ffer82.further83. either84. themselves85. realized86. envirnmental
    87. cntrl
    88. Because they wanted t have a lk at the yung man's heart.
    89. Yes, they did.
    90. Every scar in my heart represents a persn t whm he has given his lve.
    91. Because smetimes he gave a piece f his heart away, and the ther persn might nt return a piece f his heart t him.
    92. He felt mved.
    93. 略。

    2019-2020学年上海上中东六上英语第一次月考试卷: 这是一份2019-2020学年上海上中东六上英语第一次月考试卷,共9页。

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