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    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Cit Twer
    Cit Twer prvides 360-degree views f San Francisc and the bay, including the Glden Gate Bridge. The mst fantastic views can be seen frm the bservatin deck. It csts $7 t get n the elevatr. It is 4.9 miles frm Cit Twer t the Glden Gate Bridge.
    Crissy Field
    Crissy Field, a frmer army, was rebuilt in 2001. It ffers wnderful views f the Glden Gate Bridge, picnic areas and a small sandy beach which is ppular with families. Alng Crissy Field, visitrs can stp fr lunch at the Warming Hut, the Beach Hut Cafe r the Huse f Air. Distance frm the Glden Gate Bridge: 2.4 miles frm the Marina Green.
    Frt Pint
    Fr a clse view f the bridge, visit Frt Pint, which is a Civil War time brick frt that can be entered thrugh the Marine Drive park at Crissy Field. Althugh Frt Pint never had any military(军事的) actin, the Glden Gate Bridge’s chief engineer, Jseph Strauss, redesigned the bridge t preserve the frt as a “fine example f sme kind f art”. Distance frm the Glden Gate Bridge: 1.2 miles.
    Lands End
    Lands End near Lincln Park ffers a perfect view f the Glden Gate Bridge. Visitrs can walk alng a paved sidewalk near the 17th hle f the Lincln Park Municipal Glf Curse. Here, there are several benches and pht pprtunities t picture the beauty f the bridge. Distance frm the Glden Gate Bridge: 3.0 miles.
    1.Where can visitrs have a picnic?
    A. At Cit Twer. B. At Crissy Field.
    C. At Frt Pint. D. At Lands End.
    2.Why did Jseph redesign the bridge?
    A. T ffer wide walking and cycling trails.
    B. T picture the beauty f the bridge.
    C. T take a clse view f the bridge.
    D. T save the frt as an art.
    3.What is the purpse f writing the text?
    A. T intrduce sme places t view the Glden Gate Bridge.
    B. T intrduce sme great places in the Glden Gate Bridge.
    C. T cmpare the fur famus places in San Francisc.
    D. T intrduce the histry f the Glden Gate Bridge.
    After university in 2011, Samuel went t a rural primary schl fr native children, where, n his first day, anther teacher tld him, "Samuel, yu dn't have t d much, they're just Orang Asli-native children." This was what Samuel wuld spend years fighting against.
    The Orang Asli cmmunity has struggled with pverty, melting int sciety, and lsing their wn identity and culture due t thers' disregard f it. The main barrier in teaching these children was that many f the teachers thught that the native children were nt wrth their effrts. It was thught that whatever was taught wuld make n difference, s nbdy bthered t try. The children themselves ended up believing these stigmas (污名), ften dubting what they can achieve. Teachers skipped r slept in classes, and little effrt was made t create an apprpriate learning envirnment. Cnsequently, the schl was ne f the wrst-perfrming in the district.
    Samuel cared abut his native students and accepted their culture, leading him t see their ptential. Hwever, he als came t see that they did nt have equal pprtunities cmpared t urban schls, due t the lack f facilities. S he set up a crwdfunding prject t create a fully equipped 21st-century English classrm with tablets and cmputers. The Orang Asli children nw learn technlgy, experience English and cmmunicate in English with vlunteers all ver Malaysia and verseas.
    Cnsequently, the students have imprved in natinal standardized examinatins, frm a pass rate f 30% in English (2008-2012) t an average f 80% (2013-2017). These effrts have resulted in a shift f what lcal children are cnsidered capable f academically.
    4.What did the teacher's wrds suggest abut the native children?
    A. They were intelligent. B. They were hpeless.
    C. They were unfriendly. D. They were independent.
    5.What majr prblem did Samuel need t slve?
    A. The pverty f lcal peple. B. The lack f facilities in his schl.
    C. The unfair treatment f the native kids. D. The unsuitable teaching methds.
    6.What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The change f native students.
    B. The imprtance f learning English.
    C. The imprvement f native educatin.
    D. Samuel's wrk fr the native kids.
    7.What can we learn frm Samuel's stry?
    A. Respect makes a big difference.
    B. The academic perfrmance cmes first.
    C. Everyne deserves access t educatin.
    D. One methd can't apply t each situatin.
    The idea f using a public bathrm with see-thrugh walls may sund like a nightmare. But a famus Japanese architect is hping t change that view, using new technlgy t make restrms in Tky parks mre appealing.
    "There are tw things we wrry abut when entering a public restrm, especially thse lcated at a park," accrding t architect Shigeru Ban's firm. "The first is cleanliness, and the secnd is whether anyne is inside. "
    The newly-invented transparent walls can turn ff bth f thse wrries, Ban says, by shwing peple what waits fr them inside. After users enter the restrm and lck the dr, the rm's walls turn a pwdery pastel(彩色蜡笔的,柔和的)shade—and are n lnger see-thrugh.
    Ean's transparent facilities are sure t make fr great cnversatin amng visitrs t the park—and they'll stand ut even mre after dark. "At night, the facility lights up the park like a beautiful lantern," the architect's website says.
    The grup is behind the Tky Tilet prject, enlisting(招募)wrld-famus architects t create tilets "like yu've never seen." The prject's eye-catching tilets are part f a plan t put peple at ease when visiting a public bathrm. The prject may seem silly, but the 16 architects wh are reimagining public tilets are sme f the brightest names in Japanese architecture. The list includes fur Pritzker Prize winners—Ban, Ty It, Tada And and Fumihik Maki一alng with internatinal stars such as Keng Kuma and Su Fujimt. The fashin designer Nig is als cntributing.
    Ban's clrful public bathrms pened t the public this mnth in tw parks: Yygi Fu kamachi Mini Park and Haru--n--Ogawa Cmmunity Park. Others will be pening in cming mnths.
    8.Why are peple ften wrried befre entering a public restrm?
    A. It's nt always clean.B. It's usually at a huge distance.
    C. Its lck is usually useless.D. It's always ccupied.
    9.What des the underlined wrd "transparent" mean in the third paragraph?
    A. Full f bright clrs.B. Nt easy t see thrugh.
    C. Easy t see thrugh.D. Thick and strng.
    10.What d we knw abut the prject frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A. It's impractical and silly.B. It's rewarding and famus.
    C. It has wn the Pritzker Prize.D. It's the fruit f cllective wisdm.
    11.Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Shuld the public restrms be upgraded?
    B. The new high-tech walls f public restrms are cming
    C. Hw d we live with see-thrugh public facilities?
    D. Sme famus architects designed a silly prject.
    Grwing up, we are cnstantly reminded that yung peple are heavily affected by technlgy. We prefer t text ur friends in the same rm rather than make eye cntact with them. And even thugh never-ending studies reveal t us the extent f ur scial media addictin, we shuld at least cnsider that it’s nt nly ur yung peple’s prblem any mre.
    There’s the rise f the Instagram mums, wh like t pst a variety f cute baby pictures, share their mm feelings and their wnderful lifestyles. They are the s-called “Facebk mum generatin”, a grwing grup f parents that like t vershare.
    While all f this might be fine, and even a little humrus, new research suggests that parents’ technlgy addictin is negatively affecting their children’s behavir. Accrding t the study, 40% f mthers and 32% f fathers have admitted having sme srt f phne addictin. This has led t a significant fall in verbal interactins within families.
    There is n denying that I get annyed when receiving the wrds “I’ll be with yu sn” frm a parent. Smetimes what I want t d is ask ne questin. But, at the same time, every day leaving the rm t wait until my father is finished with his “serius business” (Farmville), has nw becme the nrm. Whether yu want t escape yur disturbing children fr a bit, r want t stay up late flicking thrugh Twitter, knw that wanting t d all f these is nrmal. But befre telling us t put ur phnes away and listing hw much damage scial media can d t us, why nt lead by example? Why nt cnsider hw much time yu spend n the phne and hw this is impacting yur children and yur relatinship with us? Maybe in this way we can wrk n ur addictin tgether.
    12. Frm Paragraph 1, we can knw that teenagers nwadays ________.
    A. enjy scializing with their friends
    B. send messages t their friends every day
    C. hate t make eye cntact with their friends
    D. are heavily addicted t their mbile phnes
    13. What des the authr think f mums’ versharing?
    A. Bring.B. Selfish.C. Funny.D. Meaningful.
    14. The underlined wrd “nrm” in Paragraph 4 prbably means ________.
    A. securityB. standardC. rutineD. custm
    15. What’s the main purpse f the article?
    A. T share the authr’s wn experience with the readers.
    B. T call n parents t get rid f their wn media addictin.
    C. T reveal that parents are always addicted t mbile phnes.
    D. T shw the authr’s dissatisfactin with parents’ phne use.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    In many parts f the wrld, spring is in full blm. Flwers f all clrs and shapes make ur wrld lk and smell better. S it is n surprise that peple lve flwers.
    Well, except fr ne. Dandelins (蒲公英)! In the USA, dandelins are cnsidered “weeds”. Peple try their best t kill all f them with chemical prducts r dig them ut at the rts. Dandelins are hard t kill. 16.___________.
    Dandelins are actually ne f the mst nutritius fds. They are a great surce f vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamins A and C. Als, they prvide peple lts f irn, calcium and ptassium (钾). 17.___________.Frm the bttm f the rts t the tp f the flwer, nthing ges t waste.
    Dandelins are said t prvide several pssible health benefits such as reducing inflammatin (炎症) and imprving sme skin cnditins. 18.___________.The rt f the dandelin is rich in fiber, which culd supprt the balance f bacteria in yur digestive system.
    19.___________.They are drught-resistant flwers and can grw in envirnments t dry r difficult fr mst ther crps. Their rts spread easily as d their white, sft, seed-filled tps.
    Dandelins are fun fr kids. 20.___________.Pick the white tp, make a wish, clse yur eyes and blw. Then perhaps yur wish will cme true. Even if the wish des nt cme true, at least the seeds have traveled far and wide, letting mre f this nutritius fd surce cntinue t grw.
    A. Peple eat “leafy greens" r add mre “clr" t their diet.
    B. They may als be helpful t the digestin.
    C. S there is n flwer mre hated than the dandelin.
    D. There is a game children play with dandelins.
    E. Anther great thing is that yu can eat every part f the dandelins.
    F. That is a gd thing because dandelins are packed with gdness!
    G. Dandelins are an easy-t-grw fd surce.
    第二部分 语言运用(共四节,满分75分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    A cuple in rdinary clthes walked int the Harvard's uter ffice. "We want t see the president," the man said sftly. "He will be busy all day," the secretary spke 21 , cncluding that the cuple had n 22 with Harvard frm what they wre. "We'll wait," the lady replied.
    Fur hurs later, the cuple didn't g away. And the secretary grew 23 and finally decided t disturb the president. Smene f 24 bviusly had n time t spend with nbdies, and he 25 peple in such clthes filling in his uter ffice.
    The president, frzen-faced, walked prudly tward the cuple. The lady tld him, "We had a sn that 26 Harvard fr ne year. He lved Harvard and was very happy here. But he was accidentally 27 . And my husband and I wuld like t 2 8 a memrial (纪念物) t him smewhere n campus. " The president wasn't 29 ; he was shcked. "Madam," he said 30 ," we can't put up a statue fr every persn wh studied in Harvard and died. "
    "Oh, n," the lady 31 quickly. "In fact, we thught we wuld give a building t Harvard. " The president 32 at the cuple and then shuted, "A building! D yu knw hw much a building csts? The cst f the Harvard's buildings is ver 7.5 millin dllars. "
    Fr a mment the lady was 33 . Then she turned t her husband and said quietly," Is that all it csts t 34 a university?" Her husband ndded. Mr and Mrs Stanfrd walked away, traveling t Pal Alt, Califrnia, where they established a university 35 after their sn—Stanfrd University, which turned ut t be a famus university in America.
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Have yu ever heard the term “dark ride” and wndered 36.___________it meant? Hw abut “flat ride”? Let’s explre sme f the mre cmmn 37.___________ (type) f rides.
    A “dark ride” is an industry term fr any amusement park r theme park ride that uses vehicles t send passengers int an indr envirnment and thrugh 38.________ series f scenes. Ride vehicles take many frms including cars n a track, trackless vehicles and bats 39.__________ flat in a channel f water.
    A “flat ride” refers t attractins at amusement parks, carnivals, fairs and theme parks that 40.________________(typical)spin arund.
    They usually include a circular platfrm and 41.________________(place) n the grund. The term is used t refer t a large number f rides. 42._____________ (depend) n their speed and ther features, they may r may nt be cnsidered thrill rides. Generally, “kiddie rides” are intended 43.______ yung riders which are thrilling.
    A “mtin simulatr ride” uses seats that mve with pint-f-view media 44.____________(prvide)viewers with the illusin(错觉)that they are mving and physically taking part in the actin. Mst mtin simulatr rides are presented in theaters f 45.________(vary) sizes.
    第三节 (共2小题10空;每空1.5分,满分15分)
    A.embarrassing B. apprpriate C. gesture D. avid E. varies F. display
    We use bdy language t express ur thughts and pinins in ur interactins with ther peple. Hwever, bdy language 46.________ frm culture t culture. Fr example, in Japan, smene wh witnesses anther persn emplying the 47.___________ fr “OK” might think it means mney. In France , a persn encuntering an identical gesture may interpret it as meaning zer. Fr anther example, peple 48.__________ their interest by making eye cntact in sme cuntries. But in Japan yu shuld 49.__________ it when talking t an lder persn because peple will lk dwn t demnstrate respect. S remember t use bdy language in a way that is 50.________________ t the culture yu are in.
    BA.successfully B. awarded C.acknwledged D. evaluated E. prperties F. adpted
    Tu Yuyu, whse research led t the discvery f artemisinin, a crucial new treatment fr malaria, was 51._________________Nbel Prize fr Physilgy r Medicine. The discvery was extremely difficult. In their research, she and her team examined ver 2000 ld medical texts, and 52._________________ 280000plants fr their medical 53.________________. They 54.______________ different methds t draw ut the extract frm the wrmwd. First they tested a cllectin f dried wrmwd leaves, and then tried biling fresh wrmwd and using the liquid btained frm this t treat malaria, but bth did nt wrk. Finally they 55.__________________drew ut the extract by using a lwer temperature.
    第四节 (共30空;每空1分,满分30分)
    56. I dn’t knw what ther peple think abut yur plan. Persnally, speaking, I am _____ _______________ _____ it.
    57. After _____________ _____ the TV, Andy checked whether there was anything left and
    set ut.
    58. The ecnmy f this cuntry has greatly imprved since he ________ _________ _____________ in 2014.
    _____ _________ abut 13 years ______________ the cmpany made a prfit in the US.
    It is dry and windy in autumn and we shuld be careful enugh nt t ___________ __________.
    The fascinating Jiuzhaigu scenery ___________ _____nature lvers frm all ver the wrld every year.
    A gd way t _____________ ___________ the barriers between parents and children is t have a face-t-face talk.
    In India, sme bdy languages are nt ______________ _______, such as eating with left hands and tuching a child’s head.
    Jane was stubbrn. She ____________ ______ wearing her jeans t attend a frmal party.
    We have ___________ ______ __________ _______ each ther ver the phne r thrugh WeChat ever since we met in 2015 fr the first time.
    Fr a surgen, there is ___________ __________ _______ having a gd sleep in his wn bed after an peratin
    It is said that the newly-built cncert hall can hld ________ _______ 1500 peple.
    第三部分 读后续写(满分25分)
    68 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。续写的词数应为150词左右。
    One weekend in July, Jane and her husband, Tm, had driven three hurs t camp vernight by a lake in the frest. Unfrtunately, n the way they started t quarrel. By the time they reached the lake, Jane was s angry that she said t Tm, “I’m ging t find a better spt fr us t camp” and walked away. With n path t fllw, Jane just walked n fr quite a lng time. After she had climbed t a high place and She suddenly realized that she was lst.
    “Tm!” she cried. “Help!”
    N reply. If nly she had nt left her mbile phne in that bag with Tm. Jane kept mving, but the farther she walked, the mre cnfused she became. As night was beginning t fall, Jane was s tired that she had t stp fr the night. Lying awake in the dark, Jane wanted very much t be with Tm and her family. She wanted t hld him and tell him hw much she lved him.
    Jane rse at the break f day, hungry and thirsty. She fund a stream and als saw sme berry bushes. She drank and ate a few berries. Feeling strnger nw, Jane began t walk alng the stream and hpe it wuld lead her t the lake.
    As she picked her way carefully alng the stream, Jane heard a helicpter. Is that fr me? Unfrtunately, the trees made it impssible fr peple t see her frm abve. A few minutes later, anther helicpter flew verhead. Jane tk ff her yellw bluse, thinking that she shuld g t an pen area and flag them if they came back again.
    But n mre helicpter came and it was getting dark again.
    It was daybreak when Jane wke up.
    博罗县 2021-2022 学年度上学期高二期中调研考试
    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    A篇1-3.B D A B篇 4-7 BCDA C篇 8-11. ACDB D篇 12-15.DCCB
    16-20.F E B G D
    第二部分 语言运用(共四节,满分75分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    21.-25 ADCAD 26-27.BACCD 31-35.ABDBA
    36.what 37.types 38.a 39.that/which 40.typically
    41.are placed 42.Depending 43.fr 44.t prvide 45.varius
    第三节 短文选词填空
    第四节 根据中文提示补全句子。
    56.in favur f 57.turning/switching ff 58.came t pwer 59.It tk…befre
    60.catch fire 61.appeals t 62. break dwn 63.apprved f
    64. insisted n 65. kept in tuch with 66.nthing better than 67.up t
    第三部分 书面表达(pssible versin)
    Sample 1
    But n mre helicpters came and it was getting dark again. There was nthing but silence, Jane was extremely frightened and missed her husband, Tm, a great deal. She culdn't help crying, clutching her hair. Hwever, having a deep breath, Jane made her way bravely, cncentrating all effrts n walking dwn alng the stream. T her great jy, she eventually reached an pen area. Feeling exhausted, she fell asleep.
    It was daybreak when Jane wke up. The sun shne lightly, bringing warmth and hpe t the wrld. Jane stayed at the pen air patiently t wait fr thers t help. Tw hurs later, the helicpter which she had seen yesterday caught her eyes. Jane tk up her yellw bluse t flag them and yelled ut t make the helicpter ntice her. Frtunately, the helicpter nticed her and came clser, finally landing at the pen-air. Her husband, Tm, gt ut f the helicpter. Surprised and verjyed a great deal, Jane held him tightly and tld him hw much she lved him. At the mment, the muntain was filled with lve.
    Sample 2
    But n mre helicpters came and it was getting dwn again. “I shuldn't have left Tm”, thught Jane. Feeling disappinted, Jane had t stay alne fr anther night. After walking a lng distance again, it ccurred t her that she had a bx f matches with her. She was wild with jy and used them t burn sme branches s that she culd get sme warmth. Staring at the jumping flames, Jane thught f all the things that she and Tm had experienced tgether. Only in this way culd Jane feel better and fall asleep.
    It was daybreak when Jane wke up. Feeling refreshed, she cntinued t walk alng the stream t find a way ut. At nn, t her great jy, she finally caught sight f a wide water surface in the distance. It was the lake! Als she sptted a crew f plicemen seeking alng the bank! It seemed that they als sptted her because they were mving twards her! It was Tm wh called the plice. Finally, they led her t her husband. They hugged tgether firmly the instant they met as if they wuld never separate again. They gt hme and have led a happy life ever since.
    21. A. impatiently
    B. excitedly
    D. awkwardly
    22. A. cncern
    B. prblem
    C. interest
    D. business
    23. A. embarrassed
    B. grateful
    C. annyed
    D. upset
    24. A. imprtance
    B. actin
    C. character
    D. age
    25. A. invited
    B. bserved
    C. thanked
    D. hated
    26. A. affected
    B. attended
    C. admitted
    D. abandned
    27. A. killed
    B. dismissed
    C. disabled
    D. frgtten
    28. A. keep
    B. buy
    C. build
    D. leave
    29. A. disappinted
    B. sensitive
    C. tuched
    D. deserved
    30. A. curiusly
    B. delightedly
    C. sadly
    D. cldly
    31. A. explained
    B. aplgized
    C. changed
    D. argued
    32. A. smiled
    B. glanced
    C. pinted
    D. laughed
    33. A. desperate
    B. amazed
    C. ambitius
    D. silent
    34. A. buy
    B. start
    C. access
    D. develp
    35. A. named
    B. lking
    C. fllwed
    D. taking

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